2. Rare Species

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Pretending want not.
Praying why not.

Humans are a rare species indeed.
I realised.
I never saw Uday as my someone special and never got those vibes from him either then why his proposing me to be his "sister" twisted my inner self?

"Say something Pri." Uday nudged me.

What did he want me to say? It's not like he asked me to be his girlfriend that I will deny or keep him hanging.

"Why not Uday. From neighbours to chosen siblings now, wow!" I replied in such an uninterested manner, that he must have guessed my disappointment. Why was I disappointed? I didn't know. He hugged me in glee. Great! The hug I anticipated to be romantic was brotherly.

I came inside, threw my shoes in one corner, and my head on my granny's lap. She moved her wrinkled fingers in my hair and an instant calm crept in me. "What's wrong?" she asked with love.

"What is right granny? I have a long list of complaints which will never be entertained because my parents are busy earning for 'me', not realising I need them and not their money. And, as if, I get to use that money. I was laughed at, at the party. Then, the "boy next door" proposed to me but "to be his sister". It's like I have such a boring life that I..."

"What a douchebag! He asked you to be his sister? Moron! What did you reply?" Granny questioned in dismay.

"Like I had a choice? I accepted it." I closed my eyes and granny kept moving her fingers detangling my hair. My phone beeped and I unlocked it. A notification popped up. I read and shut my phone back.

"Did Uday realise his mistake, already?" Granny teased me. I loved her efforts to cheer me up.

"Nah! Prospective customer for Airbnb. She will share the details then I will confirm." I answered feeling drowsy with granny's massage.

"Go to sleep. You look heartbroken." Granny remarked making me smile. I got up from her lap and pulled her cheeks.

"You know I love you the most. It's not like, I liked Uday or wanted to be with him but in my twenty years, I have never got a single proposal and I just wanted to experience things. I guess I will have to settle with an arranged marriage agreement." I kissed my granny and switched off the lights after checking the kitchen and locks.

A message popped again and again and again. Who was disturbing at this hour? It looked like the Airbnb customer was in a hurry. They wanted to chat but I was in no mood. So, I turned the silent mode on and slept looking out of the window from where I could see Uday's house. I smiled to myself and welcomed fantasies.

The following morning at the dining table, granny asked me about the customer and I pouted. I forgot to reply.
"Pagal Pri! Respond ASAP else that woman will taunt us to no end." Granny was right. Mom was very particular about business. I quickly finished my breakfast and checked the mails.

Looked like a genuine customer, we settled on the rates and other terms and conditions. The only requirement from her was that she will have the entire top floor without any disturbance.
I often wondered, didn't they get bored with the same routine? Touching the same parts and exploring the same territories every day? What kind of sex life will I have?
I closed my room and windows and opened my t-shirt. Size 32, good enough. Waist 28, curvy sides, hips 34. I was kind of sexy but then why was I not desirable? Maybe I was not meant for this place. My Mr Right was waiting for me across the hills.

The message tone brought me out of my analysis and I replied to all the queries. It seemed that I will have a tensed summer with people making out just above my room and my single self will die fantasising.
In the evening, I gave my mother the good news and as expected she was elated. I took my chance and asked if I could get a dress or two for myself. To my astonishment, she agreed.
I was ready to go shopping at the Mall Road with Disha. She has good taste. We shopped and ate all the street food we liked. Life was not that bad. I skipped telling her about Uday's proposal.
When I reached home, mom was there. This will be the last time I will see her before the summer starts. Dad was still missing.

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