9. Royal(s) ACT?!

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I don't know should I be thanking God for Pri not dismissing the switch or should I be worried because she was in a lion's den? My parents were an incarnation of Satan and Pri was new to the game. Even after trying several times, I wasn't able to convince her to come back. She wanted revenge but that was impossible. If she falls into any more trouble, she will immediately return and I will go back and surrender.
I wondered what went wrong with the Prince? As far as Ragini told me her brother was a true gentleman and a man of words. Why did he kiss her? Was he so smitten by her beauty? I hope so. They would make a perfect pair and Pri's long term desire to live in a world of luxury shall be fulfilled.

"Pri, where the fuck are you?"

"Coming granny cool." I ran to 'my' granny. Yes, Pri was indeed correct, her grandmother was the sunshine to a gloomy day.


I dressed up in "simple" Zara beige pants and white shirt with a Burberry scarf and shoes. I have never visited a Zara showroom leave aside wearing it. I only surfed it online and sighed at the pretty clothes. Even after 50% off, I couldn't afford them. Burberry was out of question. I wondered if I could spell it even. The only thing good about the switch were these excesses.

Breakfast time was over but I told Garima if I were not given food, I will faint and the factory visit which my new father was so keen on, will go in drain.
To stop the train pull the chain.
Train = Chaya's parents
Chain= Prince...
What was his name? I didn't even know? I messaged Chaya to know the name of the Prince but she didn't reply. I checked the time and realised it was the time granny did gardening and I helped her. She had a new granddaughter now. I felt a pang of jealousy.
At the age of twenty, I felt possessive about my granny because I didn't have a sweetheart. That's okay though. Granny was love too.

"Are you ready, Princess?" Chaya's mother inquired. She was dressed so elegantly, if only, her soul was decent too.

"Absolutely, your highness," I bow mockingly making her angry.

"Princess, I am expecting you to be at your best behaviour. No, drama else you know the consequences." My new father's eyes shivered me to the core. I was in a fight with a legendary ex-king who knew no mercy.

I pulled up my sleeves which had his finger marks turned blue. "I can't bear the consequences getting worse than this, Papa." I addressed him 'papa' on purpose. I wanted to churn an emotion in him but not even for a second did his eyes flicker. My new mother was just a decorated show piece.

We sat in a Matt black BMW7series. The seats were so comfortable that I could sleep in here. The car was silent. No music. No conversation.
I wanted to compare my real parents with fake ones. Sadly, I do not remember travelling with my father, ever. We had never been out of Mussoorie. I went to some school trips at times, only if granny sponsored from grandfather's minimalistic pension. Our college never took us to trips because big girls and boys together could do hanky-panky.
I chuckled at the psyche of our principal. Dehradun museum was the only place they took us every year.

After an hour we entered a huge building with gardens on one side and beautiful articles displayed on the other. It was as big as a small town.
Written in bold and capital was the family name the Prince bore. The unit manufactured products from scrap. I had investigated a little and found about the business of the Prince. He was a conservationist and was manufacturing products from residuals of factories that were otherwise disposed of in water or just as a waste littered the place.

If he didn't kiss me last night, I would have given him full marks for his efforts. Living in the hills, I have always felt close to mother nature and the need to conserve and protect it.

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