21. The next step

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Life is all about the next step.

Chaya- Playing Pratima

Pri was messaging me but I couldn't read. Badal was in the office and I didn't want him to get suspicious. I was very close to exposing him and I didn't want to risk it. He kept sending me suggestive, cheap gestures. Some I reverted, some I ignored.

"Pri, can I have word with you?" Pri's mother asked me to come out and I went.
"What was the whole scene between your granny and Nani? Why did Badal intervene? I hope you are not behind this?" She took me to a side and warned me softly, "listen Pri, I know you are not very fond of us as parents but we are looking out for you. I have been observing Badal and his intentions are still shady. Do not, I repeat do not even think of using him as your tool. My mother's and your father's mother's fight is eternal. It has taken up our life and we do not want it to affect your life."

Who was this lady? Pri's mother? She was concerned?

"Pri, I will be honest with you, I am fed up fighting with your granny for no reasons and you just amplify my guilt."
"uhhhh! What am I saying?" Pri's mother muttered to herself.
"Stay away from Badal and your Nani. They are both... Evil. Now, go before he gets suspicious."

Pri's mother left after wiping sweat on her forehead and warning me against her mother.
I need to tell Pri. Consult her if her mother was lying or playing me. I took my phone out but before I could dial the number, Badal was out and he squeezed my butt. I dropped the phone due to his sudden act. He laughed and left after giving me a victorious smirk.
I cursed him. I loathed him.

Pri was not picking my calls. I read her message which said, 'talk ASAP. Matter of life and death'.
What if she was caught? Oh, no! What do I do? I called again but her phone was switched off.
I was scared. I came to the office and drank an entire bottle of water. I needed to discuss with Pri what her mother said. "Pri, where are you?" I was worried.
Pratima - Playing Chaya

"Congratulations. This Wednesday you both will be engaged in an intimate ceremony. A lavish and extravagant function will be organised before your wedding which will be after two months. I guess you both can survive and curtail your desires till then?" My new father dropped the Grenade on us.
Just Me.
Because Prince seemed unaffected.

My phone was ringing and I kept rejecting it. It was Chaya. She was not stopping so, I had to switch it off.

"I think we should give the kids a little time to celebrate." My new father left with his wife.

When they were out of the room I got up and raged, "what the..."
The Prince suddenly hugged me and I was deathly still.

"We are being watched. Just keep quiet for now. We will discuss this. I promise. Just co-operate. Please, princess." Prince broke the hug and I felt the goosebumps on my skin settling.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't even want to say anything. I just wanted to sink the moment that I was hugged by a Prince.
Close and warm.
He took my hand and lead me out of the room. I followed him like a lost soul. His spell bounded me.
"If you are feeling fine, we can go for a coffee and discuss the upcoming engagement," Prince asked me and I nodded. "Good then, you can change I will wait at the visitor's room."

The word 'change' broke the spell. "Will you feel ashamed if I go in these clothes?" I questioned the Prince and replied in a "no".
"Good. Because even if you did, I don't care. Let's go. I hope this coffee place is not far." I marched out of the palace. Keeping all feelings aside this was an emergency.

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