33. Solving the mystery

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Pain in love is pure and unadulterated.


I felt agitated on Granny's mention and I warned Praneet, "That's my Granny. I dare you to say a word against her and you will choke on the breath you are breathing."

Granny was above all and before Praneet could reply Chaya intervened.

"Pri, one sec. I think Praneet knows something. I have a faint idea too. Let's just sit." Chaya had fine lines of tension on her forehead and I felt confused.

We sat on the chairs and Chaya showed Granny's pictures with me in the phone's gallery. Praneet got his laptop and searched for something.

"What's the name of your Granny?" Praneet asked me.

"Asha," I replied.

"Full name?"

"AshaKiran." I was tensed by his enquiry.

"What's your family history?" Praneet questioned with his eyes hooked to his laptop.

"I will tell you," Chaya revealed my granny's story, even I didn't know.

Her and grandfather's story linked to Nani. How she cheated granny and how granny's family might still be searching for her. They are very influential and powerful. I was shocked to hear so many stories and somewhere felt bad because Granny never told me any of it.

Praneet turned his laptop and what we saw shocked us. He used some technique and changed granny's current picture to her young self. He showed an old picture of a girl dressed in a princess kind of dress. The girl looked like my granny.

"Pri, your granny is the runaway princess of our family," Chaya said out loud what was seen on the screen. I was too numb to say or react to anything.

I was still not convinced and in a low voice I said,
"Chaya, it's not possible. All our life we have struggled for money and if granny was a princess..."

"She ran away!" Praneet commented sarcastically and said, "Do you understand that? She ditched the boy she was engaged to and married someone else. The royals are hot blooded. She obviously can't demand or claim any money."

He was so impolite even in a situation like this.

"She wasn't engaged. It was just a verbal agreement and she wasn't even asked." Ragini stood for my side and I felt better.

Chaya tapped the table to gain attention and said,
"Connect the dots Pri. Granny's story and the story of the runaway princess is almost similar. Besides, she asked Ragini yesterday about by her family and she also drew a similarity between her and some man she knew. Ragini confirmed to her, it was her grandfather. I think Praneet's theory is true. Granny is the princess who dared to runway with a commoner, leaving behind the luxuries and a royal."

Chaya decoded the mystery hidden under the hearts of the royals for years.

My granny's stature increased in my eyes, and I asserted with pride, "And I am glad my grandmother chose love above all."

"I have seen the plight in granny's eyes when she had to part with grandfather's ring. She gave me the courage to fight for my love and I will." Chaya affirmed with hope and Ragini held her hand in hers.

Praneet looked at their hands with an unreadable expression and shared a plan, "Now, listen to me carefully. Chaya and Ragini you will try to extract some information from the runaway princess about Dada Saab. I am sure she knows something that I am looking for. I think Dada Saab does not just want to avenge himself but the runaway princess knows something deep about him and he fears his secret might come out. All our problems will be solved if we can trap Dada Saab."

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