40. Hate the idiot I went on a date.

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I changed, for good.

Pratima- Playing Chaya

Praneet looked apologetic. He should be. My granny was my life and I won't hear a word against her. I am who I am because she was with me.

"Pratima I didn't mean it in a demeaning way." Praneet tried to clarify.

I just agreed to his clarification. There was no point in disagreeing or dragging it further. Praneet was a good person and I knew he didn't disrespect anyone. He was just looking out for his sister, as a responsible brother.

Indians have grown up to believe that people who elope with their love were not good company. They have been tagged as rebels and shameless. What they don't understand is that they were just madly in love and people they called their 'own' their family just didn't understand them.

Praneet left for office after requesting me to stay in the room or at least not cross his grandfather's path. I didn't answer him because I was not making any false commitments. I had my plans.

As soon as Praneet was gone I stepped out of the room and requested the staff for a tour of the palace. He was one of the oldest staff here and Praneet trusted him.

The palace was a historical gem. Unlike other palaces, they had preserved it from the public eye and damage. It was indeed well kept. The exclusivity and magnificence of the royal heritage were well exhibited.

"Mr Kareem, does this palace have dungeons?" I questioned him.

"Yes, your highness. I am sure you do not wish to see, though. Kesari's are known for their hot blood and in olden times this trait was their pride. The punishment system of the kingdom was severe and it did not spare its own. Years before a queen did not have children for a year, the reason was the differences she had with her husband. They both were thrown in the dungeon until she was expecting." Mr Kareem's revelation was a hint enough.

He didn't know I was not destined to be here for long. I was not supposed to bear the heir of their kingdom.

The tour was very enriching and Mr Kareem showed me secret passages and hidden rooms of the palace which could be used in case of emergency.

It was almost seven when I came back to my room and dozed off. I ignored Chaya and Ragini's messages.

"Pratima, please get up, it's dinner time." Praneet touched my arm lightly but I got up with a jerk. I was in a dream. A terrible one. I looked at him and thanked God, Praneet was fine. I couldn't let anything happen to him. If he had chosen to protect me, I will be his secret shield. I wiped my tears and splashed water on my face.

To watch the one you love so distanced from you can be so painful. The silence in our room will be a permanent resident it seemed. Praneet looked unhappy, I was gloomy. He was the reason for this state of ours. All he had to do was just love me, was it so difficult?

If something happened to me tomorrow, will he shed tears or just be sad, like his grandmother explained. Several thoughts I saw in movies to make your partner realise he loves you were scheming in my mind but I rejected all because I didn't want to manipulate him. Let him be.

"Pratima, do you wish to join the office from tomorrow? You can join the finance department if you want. Even if it is for few days, you might learn something useful. That is, if you want to." Praneet offered something I always wished.

I didn't want any problem so I asked him, "Is that possible? Everyone thinks I am a literature graduate."

"I am the owner and I decide who does what. Don't worry no one will question you. Now, about the sleeping adjustment... how do you want this to happen?" Praneet and I were looking at the small bed.

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