chapter 27 ~ elevator

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• mature language
• mature refrences/scenes

//Dreams pov

George is already asleep on my chest, and im kind of suprised he fell asleep that easy considering how dodgy take off was.

Ill miss London, ill especially miss Tommy, but im excited to get back home.

I wonder what Ranboos been up to without me, to be honest i wonder what everyones been up to without me

I wonder how Sapnap is, I havent talked to him in a while either.

Shit, id forgotten to message him about us being back today.

I make a mental note in my head to text him when we land.

Im not too worried about it though, its nowhere near being at the top of my priorities list right now.

We'd managed to get back to Georges parents house before we left as we'd promised.

His mom made us stay for dinner this time, insisting that we have a proper meal with her before we leave.

It was good too, id really enjoyed it. I got more time to get to know his dad too, who honestly seems like a good guy.

Both of his parents are great, and I think it means more to George then he lets on.

Tubbo and Tommy want to come to the airport, but George wont let them.

His excuse is that theyll have to pay for a taxi, and he doesnt want them having to make the trip all the way back.

I dont really believe him though, I think its because hes gonna miss Tommy, but I dont say that.

We're on a midday flight, meaning we should get into New York at around 9, getting home around 11.

Id picked an early flight so Georges sleep schedule wouldnt fuck up again.

I couldnt stand another week of him falling asleep randomly.

I look to my shoulder where his head is laid. He always looks so peaceful when hes sleeping.

I lay a small kiss on the top of his head before turning back to look out the small rounded window.

I end up getting lost in my thoughts again, thinking about the best way to talk to George, the best way to tell him everything.

And where would I do it? Would it just be in our apartment casually over breakfast?

Should I just spit it out or should I plan what im going to say?

And what happens if he leaves? Where will he go?

Im overthinking now, but I cant stop myself.

I try tuning out the thoughts, listening in to the loud humming of the planes engine.

Thats working fine until a tugging down the side of my hoodie diverts my attention.

I dont think hes woken up, im pretty sure hes just trying to get comfy.

I watch as he moves around, trying to catch on to how he wants to lay.

I think hes trying to move away from me for a second, but then he comes back, his head drooping down my chest.

If he stays like that hes either going to hurt his back or his neck, so I gently lift his head back up to my shoulder.

At first he doesnt cooperate, but he eventually caves, his head resting where it had originally been.

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