#Oneshot 1: Scorpius Time Traveled ( Part 1 )

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A/N: Surprise.

Scorpius' POV


I turned. "Rose? Lily? Why are you two in a dress?"

"Never mind that, look what I got!" Rose Weasley showed me a time turner.

"Didn't the ministry—"

"I found it from mom's old stuff. Let's try it out!"

"I don't know, Rosie," I sighed. "Mom told me to not meddle with time."

"We are not going to meddle with time, silly. We're just doing to see what our parents are like back in fourth year." Lily said with a smile.

She grabbed my hand then led me to the Slytherin common room.

Rose gave me my dress robes. "Quick. Wear it."

"But the Yule Ball is a few days away—"

"Just do it, Scorp. We're going to attend the Yule Ball back in 1994."

"Okay, okay. Turn around."

Rose shyly turned away while I changed, making Lily tease her.

"All done." I said.

"Wow..you really look like Uncle Draco."

She wrapped the time turner around our neck.

"Time for another adventure!"

Yule Ball 1994

"I can't believe it! We're here. I'm going to find mom." Rose said then walked away.

"I'm so glad you asked me as a date to the Yule Ball!" I heard a girl's voice.

I turned then saw his father with a brunette.

"Hey Pansy," Draco said.

"Yes, Dracy?" She said then fluttered her eyelashes.

"Isn't that your friend, Daphne Greengrass?"

She turned. "Yes! I'll go speak with her for a while!"

"Take your time." He said with a fake smile.

"Hey mate," a fellow Slytherin. approached father. "How you doing?"

"I'm not okay. That woman," he pointed at the brunette. "Is a nightmare! Can't let go of me!"

"It's your fault. You asked her."

"It's because I heard that Diggory asking Y/N," I frowned when I  heard father's broken voice. "And I heard Y/N said yes, so I went back to the common room."

"My dad is coming, Scorp. I'll dance with him while you dance with your mom." Lily quickly walked to Harry Potter.

I walked to mom then gave her a bow.

This is awkward.

"Mom—I mean! Hello, may I have this dance?"

Mom looked at me. "Draco?"

I looked up. "Er, not quite."

She smiled at me. "Of course we can dance."

I led her to the dance floor.

"I've never seen you before. What's your name?"

"Scorpius Malfoy." I mumbled.

Her eyes widened. "What?"

"I said my name is Timothy...Jewelston." I lied.

"Jewelston, huh? Never heard of that wizarding family before. Are you a muggle perhaps?"

I nervously chuckled. "Why don't we just enjoy the dance?"

After the dance is over, I saw father storming towards us.

He harshly grabbed mom's wrist. "Come with me."

Mom winced in slight pain.

"Hey! Don't hurt her!" I snapped.

"Oh," Father then faced me angrily. "Who are you, scum?"

I'm your son.

"Now you're being mean, Draco. Timothy did nothing to you! It was just a dance!" Mom yelled.

"Being friendly with one another now, huh?"


Father led mom out of the Great Hall.

"What happened?" Lily asked me.

"Yeah. Your parents stormed out." Rosie whispered.

"I gotta go." I said then followed my parents.

"Draco?" Mom said. "What the heck."

I saw Dad pinned her to the wall.

He let out a deep breath then chuckled. "After days without contact or communication, this is what you'll say?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe, 'hello Draco. I miss you! Are we still okay?' I didn't really expect a slap."

"You kind of deserve it. After all, you spoiled everything!" She said.

"Oh, I spoiled everything? Says the woman who is fraternizing with a mudblood scum."

"Mudblood scum? If you really have a problem with me being with Timothy then why didn't you ask me? You had the courage to ask Pansy instead of your own fiancée!"


He frowned. "So you're dating him now?"

"No," She said then sighed. "It was just a dance. What's got your wand in a knot? You've been acting like this for the past few days already! I need an explanation."

He didn't reply.

"Tell me now, Draco." She urged then crossed her arms.

"Because I'm falling in love with you, Y/N!" He yelled.

Her eyes widened. "W-what?"

"I do, I really do. You always cross my mind! Every minute, every hour, everyday! And whenever I see you with Potter or any other boy, I can't help but feel jealous. Did you see what you do to me?" He said.

"Draco, I-"

"It doesn't matter anymore, Rosecharm, I'm going to bed." He said then walked away.

I watched as mom walked away with tears in her eyes.

I frowned then walked towards Lily and Rosie. "Let's go to bed."

Currently writing part 2

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