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August 7th

Jessica woke up in the middle of the night and Danny wasn't in bed.

She decided to get out of bed for the first time in a week and walk through the house. Her legs were jello as she used them. Her bladder was the only thing that had been getting her out of bed. She checked on Evelyn and then Oliver before tiptoeing downstairs to Danny's study.

When she walked in, her heart hurt. Dannys chest was heaving heavily. His head was down, so he didn't see her. She walked to him and pulled him up, he looked up at him and she sat in his lap, hugging him tightly.

"You don't have to be strong all the time baby, it's okay to have emotions." She whispered.

"Jessica, I have to be strong for everyone."

"Then let me be strong for you baby." She said as she rubbed his back, and gave him a peck on his head.

Danny cried into her chest.

"We're going to make it through." She said with tears in her eyes.

"We don't deserve this Jessica. Evelyn breaks my heart everyday with her questions."

"She asked me if I was going to leave again." Jessica said, barely able to let the words leave her lips.

"Jess..." He looked up at her and kissed her tenderly.

"Let's go upstairs and go to bed. Maybe some sleep will help?"

"I don't sleep anymore, I just stare off into space while my mind races."

"Let's go lay down, you shouldn't be up and walking."

"I've finally stopped bleeding." She whispered.

He closed his eyes tightly and leaned against her.

"Come on." He whispered.

He led her upstairs and before the could make it through the doorway, Oliver began crying.

"Let me." She whispered.


"Yes, it's been a week."


"Hello handsome boy, what's wrong?"


"Let's go down and fix you some eats."

"No eats." He whined, grabbing at her top.

"Okay then hateful." She smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Mama." He said cutely and hugged her. She sighed and held him tightly. She was very grateful for the 3 blessings she had.

"Jessie."Where stories live. Discover now