32 3 0

May 2nd

Lonnie- 37
Jessica- 34

Jessica walked down the school hallway tiredly.

"Hey Mrs. Huston." Lonnie said waddling behind her.

"Good morning Lonnie. How are you feeling?"

"Not great. My stomachs been tensing up really bad."

"It just means he's almost here."

"I can't wait for him to be here, pregnancy is hard."

"I agree, but I thank God for each and everyone one of my babies."


Jessica noticed Lonnies pained expressions and after class she went over to her.

"Are you in labor?"

"I don't know." Lonnie squeaked out, the pain rippling through her body.

"Come on Lonnie, let's get you to the front office. Do you think your parents will let me sign you out?"

"Yes." Lonnie said, her face twisted with pain.

Jessica quickly signed her out and both headed out to Jessica's car.

"I'm so glad I didn't carpool today." Jessica laughed.

"Me too." Lonnie breathed.

"I figure I could go into labor any second and I wanna go to the hospital on my terms."

"Good strategy to have."

A few hours later....


"Hey baby, I'm at the hospital with Lonnie. I'm not sure when I'll be home. It probably won't be tonight." Jessica pouted as she paced outside of the hospital room. She'd left to get a snack from the vending machine.

"I'm going to miss you tonight."

"Not as much as I'm going to miss you."

Jessica smiled as walked back into the room.

"Mama!" Oliver suddenly squealed into the phone.

"Hey baby boy!"

"He took the phone Jessica."

"Mama home?" Oliver asked.

"Mamas not home buddy."

"But mamaaaaa, nummies." He whined.

"You have breast milk in the fridge."

Lonnie laughed at Jessica's comment and Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Please home."

"You'll be fine Ollie. Mommy has to go, okay?"

"Mamaaaa." He cried.

"I love you Jessie."

"I love you too and I love you Ollie."

Just then Lonnies mother came through the door.

"How are you baby?"

"I'm good mama, Mrs. Huston has been taking really good care of me."

"I'm just trying to make it more comfortable for you sweetheart. You're the one bringing life into this world."

"I'm so scared."

"It's going to be okay sweetheart." Lonnies mother soothed.

"I'm Jessica." She smiled.


"Nice to finally meet you"


As the night progressed Lonnies contractions became more frequent and soon she was ready to push.

"I can't do it." Lonnie cried.

"Yes you can Lonnie. Deep breaths and push." Jessica said, holding Lonnies hand.

Lonnie pushed.

"Come on I need 3 more good pushes." The doctor said.

Lonnie pushed again.

"I see his head. One more."

Lonnie pushed as hard as she can, her face going red.

The baby's cry filled the room and all three women cried at the sight of the baby boy.

"Oh he's beautiful." Jessica said, crying and looking down at him as they laid him onto Lonnies chest.

Elias James Deacon

May 3rd


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