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April 30th- Sophie's Babyshower

Jessica- 34 weeks

Sophie- 37 weeks

Jessica waddled around trying to figure out what she'd done with her phone.

"Danny." Jessica cried.

"Oh what now." He whined to himself as he went to Jessica's aid.

"What baby?"

"I can't find my phone and my dress is too tight."

"Come on, let's go upstairs and we'll get you another dress. We'll find your phone in a few okay?"

"Okay." Jessica said pouting.

Danny helped her get a new dress, find her phone and after made her lay down to ease her swollen feet.

"Thank you." She said pitifully.

"I love you, lay down and I'll finish up and wake you before the party."

Jessica woke up a little while after and wrapped her belly band over her before walking downstairs.

"It looks fantastic in here guys!" Jessica praised Micheal and Danny.

"Thanks, we've been working our asses off."

Sophie walked in through the door about that time.

"There's the lady of the hour." Jessica smiled.

"How are you feeling Jess?"

"Swollen, you?"

"Scared." Sophie said honestly.

"Everything's going to be okay."

"I'm already dilated 2 centimeters and I don't think I'm ready for him to come out."

"Awe honey, he's coming and I want to see his little face."

"I still can't believe our baby and our grandson will be the same age." Danny said.

"I cannot believe you refuse to tell us the gender of the baby." Micheal said.

"We're just waiting until the baby makes its appearance is all."

"Come on Jessie, give us a hint."

"No way." She laughed.


"Jessie you bitch!"

Jessica perked up and looked over at Sarah who was coming toward her.


"You abandoned me whore."

"I didn't abandon you bitch." Jessica rolled her eyes and leaned back into the couch with her eyes closed and hands resting on her belly.

"Oh but you did."

"Did not. Now let me have my peace."

"Jessie."Where stories live. Discover now