63 4 0

June 25th
2 weeks old

Jessica had the baby in a wrap against her chest as she cooked breakfast for her family. She was now in a routine with the new baby. She was the only one awake and planned on waking Evelyn up after she was finished cooking, so she wasn't at her feet. Doug followed her around whimpering and whining.

"You gotta go potty Dougie?"

She walked to the back door and let him go into the backyard before going back to finishing breakfast. Jessica made Evelyn's plate and sat it on the table before going upstairs to Evelyn's room.

"Let's go sleepy head." She whispered to her daughter.

"Nooo mommy."

"I made chocolate pancakes."

"Why didn't you say so?!" Evelyn said popping up and scooting out of bed.

"That's my girl." Jessica said laughing as she followed her downstairs.

"Do you want syrup?"

"Yes mommy."

As Evelyn ate, Jessica shook her head.

"You're going to need a bath after this."

"Mom!" Micheal yelled practically running into the kitchen, holding an envelope.

"I got accepted!"

"What!?" Jessica squealed, hugging him.

"Yay! Bubba!" Evelyn said, not really knowing what's going on.

"We're squishing Oliver ma." He said a few seconds into the hug.

"I'm so proud of you."

"I couldn't have done it without you pushing me."

"Well, you're smart and I don't want you doing nothing with your life sweetheart."

"I'm going to go tell Sophie!"

"Make sure to invite everyone over for the barbecue on the 4th. We have a giant ass pool that I'm not allowed to get in."

"Okay ma." Micheal says kissing her cheek before running out the door.

"What'd I miss?" Danny said, walking down the stairs with sleep in his eyes and bed head.

"Micheal was accepted."

"That's my boy!"

Jessica smiled at Danny. The baby began to fuss, so Jessica pulled her robe aside, feeding the baby.

"I'm exhausted and wanting to go swimming."

"I'm sorry that you can't go swimming. I'll take over from here if you want to go take a nap though."

"Bless you Danny." Jessica gave him a tired smile.

"Helping is kinda my job too."

"After Ollie eats, he'll go down for atleast an hour and a half. You don't know how much that excites me! He didn't sleep last night."

"You could've woken me up."

"You can't do anything, he just screams louder when you hold him." She sighed.

Only that's planned is the bbq and maybe stuff for the school year, I'm not sure yet. I love you all and thank you for reading❤️

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