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When everyone arrived home, Danny helped Jessica upstairs to their bed and Oliver followed so Jessica could nurse him.

"I feel so awful, I bet I look it too dont I?"

"No you look beautiful." Danny kissed her head.

"Go downstairs and record Eve's reaction to Bryson."

"Will do sweetheart. Bye my little man."

Oliver waved as he continued sucking.

"You're a rotten boy." Jessica giggled and Oliver melted her heart with his chocolate eyes.

"Mama." He cooed to her and pat her face.

"Sweet boyyy." Her pout turned into a grin as he grinned back up at her.


"I'm sooo ready, where are they?" Evelyn asked as she opened the curtains. Her eyes were glued to the driveway as she waited for her nephew.

"They're coming." Danny laughed and shook his head.

"They're taking sooo long." Evelyn whined and Danny continued to record her.

Just then Micheal and Sophie pulled into the driveway. You couldn't wipe the smile off of her face as she patiently waited on them to return to the house.

"Hey little sis." Micheal said as she hugged him and then poked her head to the car seat in his hands.

"He's soo cute." She squealed.

"Let's go wash your hands and then you can hold him." Sophie said walking into the kitchen with Evelyn.

"He's handsome son." Danny said looking to Bryson as Micheal pulled him out of the car seat.

"Thanks dad." Micheal smiled down at the baby.

"Okay I'm back!" Evelyn said practically running into the livingroom and sitting down.

Danny propped a pillow under her elbow and Micheal gently sat the baby down.

"Oh he's sooo cuteeee." Evelyn squeaked.

Danny took photos for Jessica and then took a moment to realize this would be him soon. He soaked it all in and a grin smeared across his face.

"Jessie."Where stories live. Discover now