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Jessica laid in bed that night, holding Evelyn closely while Danny held her by her waist.

She cried to herself softly and she looked at the suitcase in the closet and shook her head.

"I can't run." She said to herself.

When she woke the following morning, she dressed and brushed her teeth. She noticed the bags under her eyes as she brushed her teeth. She looked rough.

She kissed her sleeping baby and husband and left to go to work.

On the ride to the school Jessica lit a cigarette and sipped on her coffee.

"What I am I going to do with myself?" Jessica said as she turned off the ignition.

She walked in smiling and waving at the students. She did truly love her job. Jessica propped the door open and sat at her desk, exhausted. Not sleeping was becoming a new normal for her. It'd been two weeks since the latest miscarriage. She'd be so excited when the test read positive and so disappointed when she'd wake up covered in blood. It was traumatic to say the least. She jumped when the bell rang, meaning the students had a minute until class.

She composed herself and put a smile on her face.

"Sarah." Jessica said leaning over the table of the coffee shop.

"Let's take a trip."

"Jessica, it's October, too late to do a trip."

"No it's not. Just a weekend then?"


"I'm doing it this weekend."

"Why so out of the blue Jessica?"

"It happened again."

Sarah's eyes softened and hugged her best friend.

"It'll happen one day Jessica."

Jessica exhaled softly and nodded her head, fighting the urge to cry.

"So it's a date?"


"Jessie."Where stories live. Discover now