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7 months

"Mommy! Wake up it's Christmas!" Evelyn squealed, earning a groan from Jessica.

"Time to get up." Dorothy said from the doorway.

"We're coming."

Jessica and Danny got up unwillingly.

Danny walked down first to make coffee and Jessica followed after, feeding Oliver as she did so.

"Can I start?"

"Start with ours." Zoe said.

"You don't have to tell her twice." Dorothy laughed as Evelyn began ripping through the presents.


"Okay Ma and Dad."

Micheal gave Jessica a box. Jessica was in Danny's lap.

"Open it."

Jessica gasped when she opened up the box.

"You want us to legally adopt you?"

"I want my parents name on my birth certificate."

Jessica began bawling and hugged Micheal.

Jessica looked back at Danny who'd been quiet to see him wiping his tears away.

"I thank god Jessica took you away from that place."

"You both did pops."

"You and Oliver completed our family."


Jessica grabbed Oliver's hand and helped him rip open his presents. He of course liked the shiny wrapping paper more than the presents and Jessica spent most of the time pulling wrapping paper out of his mouth.

"Oliver, look at these." Jessica tried to distract him with his new Tonka truck.

Oliver babbled and continued ripping the wrapping paper and trying to eat it.

"Ollie." Danny laughed at him as he looked up with his beautiful brown eyes.


Jessica gasped and looked at him.

"Did you just say your first word?"

"Maaaa." Oliver said before going back to eating the paper.

"Mommy can you help me get my doll out of the box?"

"Of course."

Jessica untied the Barbie from the box and handed it back to her.

"I needed a Vet, my puppy is sick." Evelyn said as she went upstairs to her room.

Jessica and Danny looked at each other and laughed.



"Stop itttt." Jessica whined at him.

Doug popped up from no where, licking Oliver's face, causing him to fall over with laughter.

Jessica smiled softly at him and picked him back up.

If you haven't already, please
Check out On the Edge of Darkness.❤️ Also please let me know if you have any suggestions

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