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November 20th

Jessica hadn't gotten better and decided to go to the doctor. She felt really run down and her stomach has been upset for atleast 4 weeks now.

Danny couldn't go with her because he had to finish his paper for the firm. Jessica zoned out as she watched things pass. She always felt at ease driving.

She was nervous about what they were getting ready to tell her when she went into this doctors appointment. She'd been ill for a while now and that truly scared her.

Danny couldn't have been more supportive of her through anything and everything. She knew whether the news was good or bad he'd support her through it and she loved him deeply for that.

She was shaking as she pulled the keys out of the ignition and stepped out of the car.

She filled out her paperwork and sat down. What could possibly be wrong?

"Jessica Huston."

Jessica's breath caught in her throat as she sauntered back through the hallway. She didn't know if she wanted to know what was wrong with her anymore.

She sat down on the table and waited impatiently for Susan, her doctor.

"Good morning, Jess." Susan said stepping in the

"Hey Suse."

"What brings you in today?"

"I've been ill for a while now and it started when I went to my daughters preschool class's Halloween party. I thought it was just that but now I'm not so sure."

"Okay, well we can run a few tests and try to figure out what's up. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Is there any chance you're pregnant?"

"No, my husband and I have been trying for five years now and ended up giving up due to all the loss."

"Okay, we're going to test you just to be safe before we run tests."


"I'll be right back with your cup, hold tight."

Jessica sat on the table sulking for a few moments.

"Okay, the bathrooms down the hall on the right."

"Thank you."

As Jessica walked down the hallway she felt very dizzy. What if she was pregnant? She couldn't go through another miscarriage if she was. The last
one almost ruined her marriage. She couldn't help but feel conflicted and the only way she would find out is if she took the test.

She put the cup in the box after and went back to her room anxiously. What would Danny think if she was pregnant again?

The next ten minutes felt like an eternity to Jessica. She was frozen in fear when the nurse came in with the results. Could Jessica handle a negative, could she handle the thought of a positive?

"Jessica, you're pregnant."

Dun dun dunnnnnn😂 What'd you like to see in this? Thoughts? Ideas? I love you allll

"Jessie."Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora