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November 3rd

"Huston." Jessica stood up and Danny held her hand as they walked back.

"We're having a baby." He smiled and kissed the side of her head as they walked.

Jessica smiled happily up at him as the nurse opened the door for them.

"Hello Jessica." Susan smiled.

"Hello Susan."

"Let's see this baby." She said, smearing the gel across Jessica's belly.

As the Doppler went across Jessica's stomach, the loud thumping filled the room.

"That is one fine looking bean if you ask me." Danny said earning a laugh from Jessica.

"You're a doofus." Jessica smiled.

"You're around 7 to 8 weeks Jessica. Everything looks completely normal. I'd like to do further testing when you're 13 weeks. That way we can make sure you and baby are perfectly healthy."

"Okay, thank you Susan." Jessica said wiping the stray tear as she looked over at the monitor.

"I'm so scared."

"I'm going to help make this the most comfortable pregnancy for you Jessica. I want to help you however I can." Susan gave her a reassuring smile.

"I love you sweetheart." Danny said to her as she got out of the car at the Highschool.

"I love you too, I'll see you this evening. Give my baby a kiss when you get home." She gave him a quick peck on the lips and smiled.

"Will do sweetheart. No stress." He looked at her sternly.

"Scouts honor." She giggled and walked away.

He watched her ass as she walked away and she turned around.

"Stop looking at my ass." She smiled.

"Sorry sweetheart it's a nice one." He laughed before driving off.

Jessica got to school around lunch and when she walked in her classroom, Lonnie was there.

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asked as she set her things down.

"I'm so scared Mrs. Huston. I'm going to tell my parents tonight and I don't know how they're going to react. Maybe he was right and I am ruining my life."

"You'll be fine, they're your parents and they love you. Your life isn't ruined. A baby is a blessing, no matter what." She said reassuringly.

"Thank you Mrs. Huston, I really needed that encouragement. I felt the baby move last night and knew I had to tell them."

"Isn't feeling your baby move the best feeling ever?"

"It really was magical, it was kind of weird too." She laughed.

"Let me know what happens Lonnie, here's my number. Call me if you need me tonight."

"Jessie."Where stories live. Discover now