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June 16th

5 days

"Okay Mr, you need to let your daddy hold you so I can shower." She said to her screaming infant.

"Jess, I don't think it's going to happen." Danny said looking panicked at her from the doorway as she stood half naked with only her "mommy diaper" on.

"Danny I need a shower." She whined before giving into the baby's cries and grabbing him. He instantly stopped crying.

"He just wanted mommy." Danny said, smiling.


"And she just wants daddy." Jessica said, glaring at Danny.

"I'm coming sweetheart!"

"I need a cigarette." She thought to herself.


"Okay, you're finally asleep." Jessica slid the baby off of her chest and gently sat him into his bassinet.

Jessica ran bath water so she could relax for a few minutes. She poured Epsom salt in her bath to help soothe the irritation. Jessica laid in the tub for 20 minutes before she moved. The water soothed the aching and relaxed her deeply.

As she was rinsing her hair, Danny knocked on the door with a screaming Oliver in his arms.

"Jess..I hate to bother you, but I couldn't get him to calm down."

Jessica sighed and grabbed a towel, drying herself off.

"It's fine, give him here." Jessica opened her arms and took the baby, laying him against her bare chest which instantly soothed him.

"Mama's boy."

"Mama's little pain." She said in a baby voice, kissing the baby's head.

"I can take him back if he'll let me so you can take care of your lady bits."

Jessica threw her head back, laughing .

"Lady bits?"


"I love you." She said, kissing his lips and passing the baby back to him. Oliver instantly began screaming.

"Give me 5 mins and I'll take him." Jessica said, shooing him out of the bathroom.

"You're so upset for nothing my sweet boy." She said as she grabbed the baby from Danny. Oliver's whole face was blood red from crying.

Jessica took her towel off and put the baby to her breast.

"Danny, will you grab me an outfit?"

"Of course, sweetheart."

"What's Evelyn doing?" Jessica asked, with her head against the headboard, her eyelids slowly falling from exhaustion.

"Playing princesses with Micheal while Doug is wearing her dolls tutu."

"I feel like I'm neglecting her."

"You're not neglecting her, all of your energy is just going to this clingy little guy."

"You literally just said I'm neglecting Evelyn." Jessica said, lifting her head and looking at Danny with watery eyes.

"Honey, you're not."

Jessica began crying quietly to herself as she looked down at the baby.

I forgot about the dog....😂 this is a filler chapter. I'm not sure where this story is going to go at this point. Also my birthday is tomorrow so I probably won't update

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