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Jessica and Sarah sat at the island in the kitchen and sipped on their coffee.

"You better be glad I love you."

"I definitely am."

"So I have an idea as to how you can tell Danny."


"On thanksgiving, wear a shirt that says bun in the oven."

"That's cute, but I don't want to be too extra,
I'm still so scared. I don't think I'll be ready to tell him until after they give me the results of the amino test."

"Well, he'll probably figure it out by then and it'll be way less interesting."

"True. You didn't have this problem because you and Holland knew about it the whole time."

"So, have fun with it."

"I don't think I can wait that long to do it."

"Then tell him when he wakes up."

"Why is everything so hard?"

"I don't know that's life I guess."

"Okay, I'm going to figure out how to do this correctly."

"Do what correctly?" Danny asked as he was wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Uh to-to."

"Make pie." Sarah finished.

"Oh." He looked at them curiously and shook his head.


"Jessica, I'm running on 4 hours of sleep thanks to

"I'm sorry." She replied browsing through clothing racks.

"It's fine. I needed to get out of the house, although of course Holland would have me take the baby."

"I'm still so happy that you guys had a successful surrogate experience." Jessica looked down sadly at
the baby sleeping on Sarah's chest.

"Mommy, can I have this?" Evelyn held up a Elsa doll and smiled really big.

"We are in a clothing store, how did you manage to find a toy?" Jessica said laughing, "Yes, you can have it."

"Yay! Me and Beatrix are gonna have so much fun!"

"Honey, Beatrix is 4 months old. He's still working on holding his head up, so he can't really play with you quite yet."

"I can't wait for a brother or sissy." She said looking at the baby.

Sarah gave Jessica a pitiful look and she shook her head.

"Maybe soon. Let's go find you some new clothes that I didn't know daddy promised you."

"Yay, I love my daddy."

Sarah and Jessica laughed as they walked together through the store.


"Danny......." Jessica knocked on the door and walked in.


"When did you promise to buy her a new wardrobe?"
Jessica pulled Evelyn in so that Danny could see her and all of her new clothes.

"Did you let her buy the whole store?"

"You're the one who promised her."

"Thank you daddy." Evelyn squealed, holding all the bags as she ran away with them.

"She's a nut."

"Just a little bit." Jessica laughed, walking over to him and sat in his lap.

She nipped at his ear and pulled away smiling wickedly at him.

"I'm pregnant."
His whole face lit up in a smile and he hugged her tightly.

"Jessica! A baby! I'm so excited, how long have you known, how far alon-,"
His smile dropped for a second and he caressed her cheek, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know."

"Jessica, tell me."

"I'm so scared. I can't take the heartache of losing this baby."

"This is going to be a very scary pregnancy, but honey I'm here every step of the way, anything you need, you got it."

"You're perfect."

"No, you are." He said gazing into her eyes.

Thoughts?? Suggestions? What would you like to see happen?

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