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Jessica took a deep breath as she stepped out of the car. She saw Evie in the window and in an instant she was crying again.

"Mommy!" Evie yelled smacking the glass.

"Evie!" She cried out, running inside and scooping her up,holding her close.

"Mommy, where you been?" Evie said looking up at her.

"I've been all over the place, but mommy's never going away ever again."


"Yes, mommy promises." Jessica choked out and held her tightly for a few minutes. Savoring their reunion.

Danny cleared his throat and Jessica looked up at him standing in the archway. He looked tired, his 5 o' clock shadow was prominent.

"Danny." She spoke softly and looked down in shame of her actions.

"Jessie." He choked out, his voice breaking as the words leave his lips.

She opened her arms to welcome him into her and her daughters embrace. He happily obliged and held both of them.

That night, Evelyn wouldn't leave Jessica's side and fell asleep beside her on the couch.

"I'll take her up to bed and then we'll talk Jessica."


He walked back downstairs and looked at her with soft eyes as he sat beside her.

"I want to start with, I love you." He put his hand on her thigh and gave a reassuring squeeze.

"I love you too Danny."

"Why'd you go?"

"I felt trapped."

"By us?" He said referring to himself and Evelyn.

"I don't know what was making me feel so trapped. Maybe it was the routine. I couldn't handle a routine. All I wanted was to shrivel up an die."

"Oh Jess."

"I sat in the hotel room and my mind was racing. It wouldn't stop racing. No matter how hard I tried. I decided to go to the balcony to distract myself."

"Where's this going Jess?"

"I contemplated jumping from that balcony, it scared me Danny." She said as her voice broke.

He pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly to him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"Why be sorry over something that I did to myself? I did all that to myself."

"No the pressure of having a baby pushed you to that point. Jessica, let's quit trying and just be ourselves and never look back. Baby, I love you and I never want to lose you."

"Oh Danny, why are you so perfect."

"Because someone has to be in this relationship." He said poking her side,
"I thought I'd never see you again." He inhaled her scent, letting it settle his anxieties.

"I'm never going to leave you again. I was a fool to think I could do it the first time."

The end? Maybe I have another chapter written but don't know if I should leave the story as is, thoughts?

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