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March 16th

"I don't want to be awake right now." Jessica said, whining. Danny's face was in her side as she sat up.

"Me either. Call off."


"Whyyyy??" He whined.

"Because the kids need meee." She said giggling.

"I need you too, to snuggle with."

"You're crazy Danny. I'm getting up." She said not moving.

"Sure looks like it."

Jessica finally got up and drug herself to Evelyn's room.

"Time to get up for school Evie."

"Noooo...let...me...sleeepp."She murmured.

"Just like your daddy." Jessica giggled.

Jessica walked into the school building and smiled, waving at everyone with an exhausted look. As she was walking into the office to sign herself in she saw Micheal by the front office looking very distressed. She continued her way into the office and signed in.

Jessica went to the bathroom before going to her classroom and propping her door open. She was beyond exhausted and had no real reason to be.

She plopped into her chair and sighed before kicking off her shoes. She decided to text Danny.

'Will you bring me my house shoes? Please babeee.'

'Yes but I'm going to have to buy you a new pair because I'm already out.'

'Sounds fine with me baby'

'Alright let me stop by a store and I'm on my way'

Jessica smiled at her phone and at the sheer happiness of finally feeling whole in her life.

In second period, Jessica got a phone call from the office about a visitor. Danny knocked on the door a few moments later.

"Hold on a second guys." Jessica said walking to the door and smiling at Danny.

"You're a real lifesaver baby." She said giving him a peck on the lips.

"Mm, I know."

Jessica rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He said going to walk away.

"We're having chicken Alfredo for dinner."

"Sounds good." He said as he was walking.


As the last class of the day came in, they all looked down at Jessica's house shoes.

"Ignore them, I would've been barefoot if it wasn't for my husband. Be thankful for that." Jessica laughed.

"No more pumps for you Mrs Huston." Sophie said laughing.

"Correct! I tried this morning and they weren't happening."

Throughout the class Jessica notices that Micheals not saying much and she can see a bruise on his face, which worries her a lot for him especially because she's known him since his 9th grade year and this isn't the first time he's come to school like that.

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