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Jessica nervously bit her fingernail as she paced the hotel room. She couldn't decide on whether or not she should make the call. It'd been 5 days since she'd talked to her husband and she didn't know if he even wanted to talk to her after that whole ordeal. She decided to make the call after twenty minutes of stressing.


"Jessica! Baby, how are you? Are you okay?"

"Oh Danny, I'm so glad to hear your voice."

"I'm so happy to hear yours. I've been worried sick."

"I think I want to come home."

"Jessica... we're going to have to have a serious talk when you do. You have to get your act together for Evie's sake." His tone was stern and serious, he spoke as if he was cautious of how she'd react.

"I know." She sighed.

"I'll talk to you when you get here." He spoke softly.

"I'll see you then." She said.

"I love you Jessica, even when you're being a dumbass."

"I love you too Danny, even when I don't show it."

"Bye babydoll." He hung up and she cried.

'He still loves me.' She thought to herself as her heart beat faster.

In an instant she threw her clothes in her suitcase and began packing. Within 10 minutes she was out the door and in the taxi to the airport.

When she arrived at the airport she prayed that she'd be able to get a last minute plane ticket.

As the plane was in the air Jessica smiled to herself. She was going back to her life and it excited her. She thought she'd lost it when she told her husband she didn't know if she was coming back. They loved her after all.

Jessica didn't even realize it until she felt the tear run down her face. She was crying happy tears.

When the plane landed, Jessica was the first one off and she raced to her bags. As she walked through the airport, she could help but feel at ease. She was finally beginning to feel that inner peace she'd longed for. Sure, she knew when she arrived home that her and Danny would most likely argue before making up, but she didn't care. She only cared that he'd be there when she arrived. Nothing else at that point mattered. She was going home.

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