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"I can't believe you guys didn't tell us!" Sophie said, rubbing her bulging belly.

"Well, I didn't want to share the news and I have another miscarriage." Jessica said leaning against the table, holding her head.

"I understand, but you could've at least told us?"

"I didn't want to tell anyone, Evelyn broke my heart last time." Jessica said staring blankly as her other hand fidgeted with her robe sash.

"I get it ma, but why did I have to be the one to find out first." He whined.

"The amount of times he gets scarred in a week is hilarious." Sophie said giggling.

"I'm the only freaking guy that gets scarred! How come you can do it sometimes? Take over." Micheal shuddered in disgust.

"No thanks, you've seen enough of mom and dad for all of us."

Jessica laughed and looked over at Micheal.

"Who knew you were signing on to be scarred this many times 2 years ago." Jessica laughed.

"There's been good times too." Micheal said optimistically.

"Wait! That's why you were all over me and sobbing telling me how much you loved me!" Micheal said putting two and two together.

"I never thought she was going to stop crying that day."

"When were you going to tell us?"

"Whenever the time came that was right."

"I had to just mess that up." Micheal said with a disgusted face.

"Mommy?" Evelyn said walking into the room to her mother and hugging her.


"I'm not ready to be awake yet." She said, yawning.

"I have some big news."

"What is it?"

"You're going to be a big sister!"

"Really!?" Evelyn instantly perked up and hugged her mother.

Danny put his hand on Jessica's shoulder and kissed the side of her head.

"That's enough PDA for one day!" Micheal said earning a laugh from Danny.

"I'm just showing the woman I love appreciation and strength."

"Aweee." Sophie said grabbing her chest and pouting her bottom lip.

"Mama!" Oliver screamed from the top of the stairs to the baby gate.

"What about you Ollie? You wanna be a big brother?" Jessica asked as she went to grab him.


"Jessie."Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora