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The next night...

Jessica sat in the rocking chair, staring blankly off into space as the baby cried. He'd been crying for hours on end and she couldn't help him. She didn't know why he wouldn't stop crying. She felt like a complete failure and had to set him down from frustration.

Her face was stained from the tears, her eyes puffy.

'How could such a blessing be such a nightmare now?' She thought to herself.

'No I shouldn't say that, he's our god given gift.'

Jessica was thankful that Micheal was out and Evelyn stayed with Sarah. After a few minutes, Jessica picked the screaming infant up again and held him to her chest.

"Come on sweetheart, let mama rest." She whined. The baby didn't give up, she decided to go to her room and lay him on the bed next to Danny before getting in the bed.

Danny rolled over and looked at her.

"Is he okay?"

"I don't know." Jessica said starting to cry again.

"He won't stop crying and I don't know what to do." She sniffled.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I keep telling you to let me help Jessica. No one expects you to do this on your own except you."

"I'm his mother, I should be able to calm him down!" She cried.

Danny grabbed the screaming baby and walked out of the room. Jessica sighed, melting into the bed.


"Come on little guy, you have to be worn out from all this crying." Danny said to Oliver, rubbing and patting his back, earning a burp from him and a coo.

"Am I deaf?" Danny said looking at the baby.

Oliver yawned and his eyes began to droop.

"All that for a burp? You're tummy must've been hurting. Poor thing." Danny looked down at his watch and cursed himself.

"Come on son, we're going to get you a few bottles and go to work." Danny said before grabbing a few bottles to put in his mini fridge in his office.


Jessica lifted her head from her pillow, dazed. Her chest ached from laying on her stomach and she'd leaked through her shirt.

"Danny?" She said half asleep. When he didn't answer she got off the bed and padded her way downstairs to the office.

She giggled at him as she walked in. He was on the phone, holding it with his head and shoulder while feeding the baby.

"Well hello daddy." She said smiling brightly at him.

"You feel better honey?"

"Much, thank you soo much."

"You shouldn't thank me for something I'm supposed to do."

"How are you so perfect?"

"I was raised correctly."

"Remind me to thank Zoe for that."

"Of course, speaking of her, she's coming for the 4th too."

"Damn it."

"What honey?"

"Where are we going to put her?"

"Shit, I didn't think about that, do you want me to call her?"

"No, we'll figure it out babe, do you want me to take him?"

"Only if you want to, don't feel obligated too because I think he likes me now."

Jessica chuckled.

"I'll take him in a few minutes, let me call Sarah and check up on Evelyn."


I'm sorry these are boring but I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do

"Jessie."Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu