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Jessica snapped back to and opened her eyes.


"We gave you a blood transfusion." Susan said.

"Oh thank god you're alright Jessica." Danny said in tears as he kissed her lips over and over.

"You hemorrhaged and we almost lost you Jessica." Susan said.

"That was so scary." Sarah said with bloodshot eyes.

"Where's Micheal?" Jessica asked as she didn't see him in the group of people surrounding her.

"He went outside when everyone started panicking, I think he went outside to smoke." Sophie said.

"He better not be." Jessica said before giving everyone a weird look.

"Where my baby?" She asked slowly.

"He's right here momma." Susan said, grabbing him from the nurse who was weighing him.

"Awe my baby boy." Jessica said tearing up looking down at him.

He had her eye shape with Danny's shade of brown along with her cute button nose. His hair was almost black and he had lots of it.

He began making whimpering sounds, his fisting balling up.

"I hear you sweet boy." Jessica said, wiping her tears before pulling her gown off her shoulder.

"We'll let you guys bond and go get Micheal before we head out."

"Come back up after telling Micheal to come back. You guys are family and deserve to hold him just as much as we do. You were here for it all."

"That's cool and all, but I get to hold him after Danny." Sarah said, laughing.

Danny kissed the top of her head as they looked down at the baby.

"You were perfect Jessica." He said kissing her head again.

"Awe baby." She said, puckering her lips for another actual kiss.

"I can't believe we made something so perfect."

"Me either."

Danny stroked the baby's arm and grinned like a mad man.

"We make some perfect kids Mrs. Huston."

"I agree, Mr. Huston."

After the baby was done eating, he was given to Danny, who talked to him about his future in football.

"You are so perfect, do you know that Mr.?" Danny asked the baby, earning a yawn from him.

"It's so exhausting to be new to the world babe." Jessica said smiling at Danny being so cute with the baby.

"Alright, cough him up." Sarah said as she put hand sanitizer on.

"Always here to ruin a moment." Jessica said, laughing at Sarah.

"Fine I'll let him go first." She said pointing to Micheal as he walked through the door with the girls.

Danny passed the baby to Micheal, who immediately began tearing up.

"He's so precious. You're going to be so spoiled and protecting by your big brother and sister. You're going to be my little man. How can I love him so much already?" Micheal asked looking over at a very tired Jessica.

"One look and you're in love, that's how it goes." Jessica said as she yawned.

Oliver Scott Dylan Huston

June 11th 10am

7lbs 8oz 21 inches long

In loving memory of Dylan Lovejoy


Gone but never forgotten💔
You will always be one of my best friends.

Gone but never forgotten💔You will always be one of my best friends

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