•Chapter 42•

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The next morning after eating some cereal, I made my way to the garden. I had no idea what Damien was up to, but from my experiences it was probably something crazy and weird. It was a nice day out on the sunny continent of Alaysia, as per usual, and there was a nice summer breeze that calmed me down a little.

I spotted Damien sitting in the ground with a bucket of paint next to the white roses.

He didn't.

I suppressed a grin as I approached him. Upon seeing me he stood up, a stupid grin plastered on his face.

"Damien, what is this?" I glanced down at the paint buckets on the ground.

"Why, we're painting the roses red!" He exclaimed dramatically. "I thought that it would get your mind off all the shit that's going on."

He smiled. Damien smiled. Funny, his smile was adorable. I mentally slapped myself. I had to stop thinking. Less thinking, more painting, Jess. Damien handed me a brush. I took it, our fingertips slightly brushing overtop each other's. I tried to hide any possible reaction. With much difficulty Damien finally got the pint bucket open.

"Are we actually doing this?" I giggled. I half wondered how this was going to work. Roses weren't made to be painted a different color.

"I don't bluff," Damien dipped his paintbrush into the paint bucket. I had worn an old t shirt and sweatpants. Clothes that I didn't mind if they got paint splattered on them. We painted in silence for a while. It let me take in the garden some more. It looked like a magazine.

Damien coughed to break the silence.

"Uh, this is harder than I thought it would be," Damien struggled with the paint that was dripping off the roses. "Dammit, they make it look so easy on Alice in Wonderland."

"Damien, its a cartoon," I pointed out.

"So?" Damien splattered paint on my shirt. I splattered him back.

In a matter of minutes we had become a cliché fanfiction scene.

"Okay, random thought," I replied from my spot on the grass. "You and Logan remind me of Stefan and Damon."

"Who?" Damien questioned.

"From The Vampire Diaries," I answered. "Like how they were both fighting over Elena but then alotta shit happened and at one point Stefan was all crazy and was like, 'Elena don't look for me' and it was all intense and -"

"I get it, Jess," Damien laughed. "Jesus, don't run out of air."

It was silent for a moment.

"You think me and Logan are fighting over you?" Damien asked.

"No, it's just," I sighed. "I dunno. Like Logan is the goody-two-shoes Stefan and you're the sarcastic badass Damon."

"You think I'm badass?" He questioned.

"Oh shut up," I elbowed him. "You're full of yourself."

"You're the one who complimented me," Damien smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"You haven't even seen that show," I rolled my eyes. "Damon could be ugly."


"I know who plays him and he's not ugly," Damien laughed. "Although I am definitely not on his attractiveness level."

"You're more attractive than the douches at my school, anyway," I shrugged. "And trust me, I know a lot of girls who would be all over you at my school. Like this one girl Mikaela."

"Jess!" Terrence ran up to us, panting. "Oh, hey Damien." He took a few more moments to breathe.

"What's wrong?" I felt a little nervous. Terrence's expression was scaring me.

"Okay so you know that member of that band that we saw in that bar the other night?" Terrence replied quickly. I didn't have time to nod. "Well apparently that band is coming here to meet the queen and Logan and I thought I should tell you because you seem to really love that band and -"


Terrence tilted his head, "Gods?"

"It's a Percy Jackson thing," Damien explained. "You wouldn't get it."

"Is that a movie?" Terrence asked.

Damien and I both tensed up. I placed my hands on Terrence's shoulder, looked him dead in the eye and said, "Don't. You. Ever speak of that disgrace of a movie. If you do, I will find you, and I will slap you so hard that you will end up in Tartarus okay, Chef Boyardee?"

Terrence gulped, "Yes ma'am."

"Now," I released my grip on Terrence's shoulders. "Where are the gods of pop music?"

"On their way here I think," Terrence answered.

"Time to cry, my friends."


So if you haven't noticed, Distant Melody is One Direction.

And the one she had seen in the bar was Harry.


And if you don't like One Direction then idk imagine them as NSYNC or The Backstreet Boys idk


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