•Chapter 17•

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This couldn't be happening. Princes didn't exist. There was no way that Logan was a prince. Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe I had fallen asleep and all of this was a illusion.

"Jess, I'm sorry," he continued. "I didn't think they'd find out where I was. I thought you wouldn't have to know."

"You're a prince," I stated.

Logan nodded. "Yes."

"So that means you're supposed to be a king."

"That's the reason I ran away," he sighed and sat down on the floor next to my bed. "I can't run a country. That's insane."

I felt bad for him. I didn't know why I did, considering he had lied to me, but I did feel bad. I stayed in my seat at my desk. I still didn't forgive him.

"Jess, say something," he was suddenly standing behind me again.

I twirled the swivel chair to him. He was kneeling down, so he was at my sitting height.

"I'm not sure what to say," I replied. "My boyfriend is a prince. Of a country. And is supposed to be a king."

"At least try to forgive me," he hung his head and ruffled his hair. "I still really, really like you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew that it was my fault that you - "

I kissed him lightly to shut him up.

"I halfway forgive you," I said, getting up from the chair. "Because I really, really like you, too."

"Well there's only one more thing to do now," he smiled.


"Keep them from finding me."


Short but sweet. Ish.

Okay but yeah.

It's starting to get intense.


Hope you guys are liking it XD

Okay byee.

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