•Chapter 30•

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"I never got the whole Pokemon thing," Terrence admitted as we walked the streets of a pretty modern-looking town. Granted, the streets were cobblestone, but other than that, they had a McDonald's just like everywhere else in the world. "I mean, you're just trapping animals in confined spaces, only to let them out to pretty much fight to the death."

"Technically, in the game, the Pokemon can't die," I corrected him, remembering my Pokemon phase from when I was ten. "They faint."

"Whatever," Terrence shrugged. "They're like glorified dog fights that aren't illegal."

"You're weird," I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in his side.

"Ow..." he whined and rubbed his side. "Ah, here she is. I used to come here all the time."

"You're not even old enough to drink...?"

"The drinking age here is seventeen," he furrowed his eyebrows. "Actually, that doesn't change anything. I had a fake ID."

"Wow," I shook my head at him.

The line wasn't too awful, but my feet hurt by the time we actually got into the club. The music was different, but it was beautiful. Every now and again they would play an American song. And that's when I saw him.

Devin from Distant Melody was literally five feet away from me. His hair looked even more luscious in real life. I just wanted one feel...

"Jess? You okay?" Terrence shook me out of my daydream.

"That's Devin Leek," I whispered. "From Distant Melody, probably my favorite band next to Green Day."

"Ooh," Terrence nodded. "Then go talk to him."

"No," I shook my head. "I like Pokemon more than bands tonight, okay? Okay. I can do this. I mean, Logan and I still have that concert..." A terrifying thought came to mind.

What if Logan can't come with me to the concert?

"Okay, so, I'm just going to sit over here," I sat down as close to Devin as possible. Just because I couldn't purchase the item didn't mean I couldn't browse the merchandise if you get what I'm saying.

The night went by painfully slow, Devin staying there the whole night. He didn't dance once, which was probably a good thing since none of the boys in the band to dance. At all. Not really your typical boyband.

I did get pictures, though. I totally got pictures. Many, many pictures.

While leaving the club, I realized that there was a Starbucks across the street. I stopped dead in my tracks. Terrence noticed and looked back at me, then at the Starbucks.

He huffed, "You have got to be kidding me."

I smiled my best smile.

Terrence groaned, but walked into the Starbucks with me. After ordering my Iced White Chocolate Mocha, Terrence and I sat at a small table outside.

"So, how did you become, like, the worlds greatest chef?" I took a sip of my coffee. "Obviously you didn't randomly make Ratatouille when you were a child."

Terrence's expression changed. He wasn't mad and he wasn't upset, but something about my question had unsettled him. I was about to tell him he didn't have to answer, but he started anyway.

"I didn't have parents growing up," Terrence said. "I had broken out of multiple foster homes until I finally came across this petite house in the middle of the countryside."

I hadn't thought that Terrence's life was anything like that. I leaned on my elbows, itching to hear more.

"I decided to stay in the barn behind the house," Terrence continued. "I slept there for about a week until finally a girl about my age - her name was Diana - decided to go into the barn. She didn't scream, which was surprising, but she did bring me into the house. After that, they took me in as their own."

"And what about the cooking part?" I asked.

"The man, Diana's father, was an amazing cook," Terrence said excitedly. He was really passionate about it. "He could literally cook anything. So I asked him to teach me and he told me I was a natural."

"And the guitar thing?"

"That's more recent," he replied. "I taught myself once I started getting jobs."

I looked down at my coffee. It was gone. I had been sipping on it throughout Terrence's story. Terrence got up and I followed his lead.

We walked all the way to the castle before I said anything.

"Thanks," I said, watching my feet.

"For what?" He asked.

"For, you know, telling me your whole life's story," I shrugged. "You didn't have to, but you did."

He shrugged and smiled, causing his dimples to show. "No prob, Jessie," he nudged my arm.

"Don't call me Jessie," I rolled my eyes.

"I do what I want."

I laughed and looked up at the sky, watching the stars glimmer more bright than anywhere in the U.S.


This is somewhat a filler and somewhat not.

Okay look if I saw one of my favorite band members from one of my favorite bands in real life I would literally just combust into flames.

Just kidding. I saw Luke and I didn't combust.

I exploded.

Also, I might have to only update once a week. This whole two a week thing is catching up to me.

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