•Chapter 29•

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"Wait, what?!" Alissa exclaimed on the other end of the phone. "You're in Alaysia? Why was I not informed of this? Oliver is the son of a duke? What?!"

"There's more," I stopped her babbling.

"More?!" She yelled excitedly. "How could there be more?!"

"Logan plays the drums," I squealed. "And Oliver plays bass guitar."

"You know, I think my strategy has a loophole," Alissa replied. " 'You can let him know you like him if he's royalty and he plays bass guitar'."

I laughed. Until then I hadn't realized how much I had missed Lissa.

"So what're you going to do about your scholarship?"

I forgot about that.

"I don't know," I groaned. "I still want it. But I can't...I can't imagine life without him. I don't know why, but I can't."

"You're in love with him, aren't you?"

Yes. Deeply.

"I don't know," I lied.

"Well, I'm certain he's in love with you," she replied. "I mean, he took you to his country - literally, his country."

"Jess? You in there?" Logan knocked on my temporary bedroom door.

"I gotta go," I whispered. "The prince is calling."

"Use protection!" Alissa chirped, then hung up.

My cheeks reddened. I shook off her comment and opened the door. Logan was wearing something from a Disney movie. He reminded me of Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. God, Prince Eric was my first crush as a child.

"Your cheeks are red," he smiled. "Um, my mom decided that I had to go to this retarded royal meeting thing." He pulled out a bag from behind him. "And I know you still have that scholarship to think about, so I got you all you need to be a girl obsessed with Pokemon."

"How'd you know...?" I took the bag, peeking in it to see the perfect Pokemon attire.

"I saw the paper on your desk," he shrugged. "There's a club in town about two blocks after you leave right from the main entrance."

I hugged him, smelling his natural musk.

"And I invited Terrence to go with you, if you don't mind," Logan said when I let go from the hug. "Tonight they won't need any food, so it's his night off."

"Sure," I said, thanking him with my eyes. I wouldn't have wanted to go alone.

"He'll meet you at the main entrance gate," Logan kissed me quickly. "I'll see you when you get back."

With that, he was gone and I had a Pikachu shirt to put on.


Yay for filler chapters...

Yeah sorry about this.

Promise the next chapter will be interesting.

We'll learn more about how Terrence got to be such an amazing chef in the first place.

...It may make you cry.

I mean, if you have feels for Luke.

But let's be honest, who doesn't have feels for Luke Hemmings?

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