•Chapter 36•

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"What're you doing?"

I continued to stare at the blue sky above me. I had been laying here for three hours. It gave me time to think about what to do, yet I still had no idea how to handle the situation. Damien sighed, obviously realizing I wasn't going to answer his question. He decided to lay down next to me.

Ten minutes went by before he said anything.

"Seriously though," he asked again. "What're you doing?"

"Thinking," I replied flatly and somewhat in a daze. That one cloud looked like Madonna.

"About...?" Damien pressed.

"I made it into the college I was doing the whole acting thing for," I sighed. "And that means I'll be gone this time next month."

Damien paused. "Oh."

He sounded just as disappointed as Logan had.

I sat up and glared at him. "Seriously?" I asked. "What's the big deal? I'm not that important, so why is everyone so upset that I'm not staying here forever? Sure, I'd like to, but I've been dreaming about this college since I was, like, eight years old!"

"Whoa, Jess, chill," Damien raised his eyebrows. "I didn't say anything."

I huffed and rested my head on the cool grass again.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "It's just that I've been laying here for three hours and I still have no idea what to do."

"I know what you need to do," Damien replied simply, still looking up at the clouds. "Go to the damn college. It's not like Logan will have any time to miss you."

"Sure he will."

"No," Damien said. "Next week his dad is coming back from some thing he was at. And next week is when his dad resigns and Logan...well, gets his own country for his birthday."

"He...he didn't tell me that..." I sat up, leaning on my elbows. Damien did the same. I stared at my shoes, trying to shake his gaze.

"He probably didn't want you to feel like shit," Damien chuckled.

"Well, I do feel like shit," I laughed. Damien smiled. "What?"

"What?" He asked, unaware that he was just smiling at me.

"You were just smiling at me," I told him, biting my lip.

Jeez, Jess, keep biting your lip like that and you'll end up without one.

"I was?" Damien's cheeks flushed.

"Yeah," I continued to bite my lip. "Um, so you think I should just go?"

He looked thankful for my change of subject, "Yeah, totally."

I nodded and looked back up at the clouds. It was silent for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of a peaceful silence. The only sounds I heard were birds chirping and the steady breathing of Damien next to me.

"I'll miss it here," I whispered. "I mean, it's so beautiful."

"But think about it," Damien answered. "America is so diverse that all of the cultures come together in that one country. I find America much better than here. Especially the pizza."

That made me feel homesick.

I'll miss it here, but I want to go back home.






Okay bye.

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