•Chapter 34•

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"What did you just call me?" Sarah replied, though she looked a little scared of me.

That's right bitch, you'd better be scared for your life.

"You heard me," I smirked, looking down at her. She was about four feet tall. I was five feet and nine inches. "Now, I've heard things about you, and according to those things, you're not someone who should be flaunting anything."

"You don't know me," she snapped. I could see in her eyes that she had only said that due to a lack of good comebacks in that tiny bird brain of hers.

"One look and I know you," I gestured to her revealing dress. "You're a whore who cares for nothing but the look on men's faces when you screw them over."

Her mouth hung open.

"Not to mention you're a liar and a cheat, who has probably had five boyfriends at one time."

"Look, bitch, I don't know who you think - "

I took another step towards her, "Don't call me a bitch, you - "

A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I turned to see Logan. I then scanned the room of terrified royal faces, staring in horror at the insane scene that was playing out. I bit my lip and suddenly felt drained. The adrenaline had completely left my system. I felt like taking a nap.

Logan's expression was unreadable, "That's enough."

That felt like a stab to the heart.

Sarah's parents had walked up to Sarah and they were talking in hushed voices. But judging by the angry looks on their faces, they had realized how true my statements had been.

Oliver just stood awkwardly behind where Damien and Logan were standing in front of me.

"I think you should go," Logan replied, his voice a little less tense than before. "I should talk to my mom. She looks pretty pissed off."

I nodded.

"Hey," he pecked my forehead. "Don't worry. We'll talk later, okay?"

I nodded and quickly walked out of the ballroom.


I didn't want to go back to my room. I decided to sit in Damien's gazebo while I tried to process what I had just done.

I kissed Damien.

I should've thought it through. What had I been thinking? This was Damien. This was the guy who disliked me from the moment we met. The one who wasn't my boyfriend. Logan seemed quite pissed off. I wasn't looking forward to our little talk later.

I didn't like Damien, right? It was just something to make Sarah crack. Right? I still love Logan.

I love Logan.

I had just discovered that I loved Logan. I had been pushing it away since we had met, but now I knew for sure. But then, why had I kissed Damien? Surely it had just been a random spur-of-the-moment thing, right?

"Hey," Damien appeared out of nowhere. "You okay?"

He sat down in the bench across from me. I nodded.

"You're being quiet," Damien replied. "So obviously you're not okay."

"I don't know," My voice came out hoarse, like I had been crying. Oh, I had just realized that I had been crying.

"Thanks, though," Damien looked down at his fiddling fingers. Why was he acting so weird? "You know. For helping with the Sarah thing."

"No problem."

Yes, problem.

Damien paused for a moment, causing me to hear the sounds of frogs croaking to each other in the dark.

"You, um, you didn't have to kiss me," he mumbled. "Er, not that it was bad.."

"Yeah, I got it," I rested my face in my hands. "I don't even know why I - "

"Don't apologize," Damien stopped me. "It was a...suprise."

I raised an eyebrow at him, as if to ask if it were a good or bad surprise.

"Not a bad surprise," he replied quickly. "A good surprise. Like finding twenty dollars on the sidewalk."

"Oh," my face got hot. "Er, okay then."

Damien's face turned red. "Uh, well, I have to...I'll just - ow!" He had almost died tripping over a pot. I giggled. "Bye, Jess."


Logan came to my room right when I was about to sleep. He sat down next to me on my bed, but it took a while for him to say anything.

"You kissed Damien," he said with a flat expression.

"Yes," I bit my lip. "But it was only to piss Sarah off. She was just...so fucking annoying and I couldn't deal with her shit so I - "

Logan kissed me; a long, passionate kiss like in the movies. He let go, our faces still close. His eyes were looking deep into mine. It was like he was staring into my freaking soul.

"I came to say I didn't care about that," Logan mumbled. "That you don't have to worry about it."

"Are you - ?"

He kissed me again.

"Yes, I'm sure."

I sighed and plopped on my bed. Logan copied my movements. I stared at the ceiling, paintings of little babies with wings scaring the beJesus out of me.

"Logan?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Have you ever been in love?"


I looked at him. He looked at me. Everything in the world was perfect. Everything was here. Now.

"I love you, my prince," I whispered, my heart pounding.

"I love you more, my actress."






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