•Chapter 35•

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"You kissed him?!" Alissa screamed from the other line. I had to pull the phone away from my ear to avoid any damage to my ever so fragile eardrums. "You kissed a gardener?!'

"Technically he's a prince," I corrected her. "But that isn't the point. The point is that I love Logan. And he loves me back."

"I know, I know," Lissa sighed. "But still, I find it a little romantic. The whole 'forbidden love' and 'ex best friend' thing is just so...sigh."

"I don't like Damien that way," I interjected. "I like Logan."

"Ah, yes, that's how it starts," I could hear the smirk through her voice. "But trust me. The way that he just randomly opened up to you? And trusted you? After little under a week? Something's bound to go wrong."

I shook my head and laughed, but I knew in the back of my kind that Alissa was right. Something was bound to happen. I just didn't want to believe it. I wanted everything to be fine. I wanted everything to be chill and happy. But I knew that things couldn't stay that way forever. I had to eventually make a choice.

College or a prince?


The next morning I went on my laptop to check my email. Most of it was junk mail, but one caught my eye. It was from the college. I clicked on it.

Dear Jessalyn,

It has come to my attention that you are one of the top applicants for our Take One, Scene Life program. I am pleased to inform you that we have an opening for you here at Midwater Arts University. You will have a scholarship for all four years you stay here. You can register for our fall term. Good Luck!

I hope to meet you soon,
Dr. Jenifer Franks, Dean of Midwater Arts University

"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" I screamed and started jumping on my bed. "YES, YES, YES!"

Logan opened my door, a worried look on his face. "Jess, what're you - "

"I GOT IN!" I screamed, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks. "I GOT A SCHOLARSHIP TO MIDWATER ARTS UNIVERSITY! I DID IT, LOGAN!"

"Holy...really?!" He smiled widely.

I jumped off the bed and into his arms. I kissed him.

"That's awesome!" He said a little less enthusiastically.

My smile faded.

"Oh," I bit my lip. "Um, Logan, I - "

"No, don't say it," he smiled meakly. "Go to college. You deserve the best."

"Logan, we still have until fall," I said. "That gives us a good month. The term doesn't start until November. It's October now."

"Right," he nodded, still not too enthused.

"Logan, it's not like I'll stop talking to you," I said. "I'll call every day."

"But what if I'm busy?" He asked. "And we have different time zones."

"Then I'll figure it out," I smiled. "I will stay up until midnight if it means I can talk to you, okay?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "Okay."

He kissed me one more time before he left. I groaned and lied down face first into my pillow.

Why does my life have to be so complicated?






The Actress and the Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن