•Chapter 4•

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I had never acted like a slut at a club. I had put it off. Being a slut wasn't one of my priorities, but it was on the list. I still had to act like a slut, a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend, a goth, and a girl obsessed with Pokemon. The slut was the one that worried me. I was the last person to ever be a slut. For one, I was a virgin. I looked at myself in the sleeveless red dress that hugged my body.

"Great," I growled. "I'll have many drunk doofuses grinding on me tonight."

There was enough makeup on my face to paint a canvas. I had a feeling I was going to break out from all of that unnecessary foundation piled on.

The club I was going to tonight was packed. People were in a line around the building. The guard was a guy around my age. I took a deep breath and stepped one high heel out of the car.

I had practiced for weeks to be able to not fall in six inch heels, but they still made me nervous. As I walked to the front if the line, I could just feel the dudes thinking gross thoughts and hear the girls snorting at the fact that they were probably thinking "Look at that whore".

"Hey," I said in the sexiest voice I could muster to the gaurd. He gulped but didn't say anything. "Look. I'm here with one of my friends and they went in before me. And I don't have my ticket. So is there any way you could possibly sneak me in?" I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him the best puppy dog face ever.

"I-I uh, y-you c-can go i-in," he gulped again. As I walked in, I mentally congratulated myself on not falling or looking stupid in front of all of those people.

Not even two seconds after I walked in, some guy from our school walked up. He looked totally wasted.

"Hey," he leaned on the wall for support. "Would you like to dance?"

And that was how I ended up leaving after three songs. As I was walking out, I bumped my shoulder into someone. I mumbled a "sorry" but something stopped me. The person I had bumped into sent a familiar electric shock through me. I told myself not to turn around, but I did.




Short again. I know.

But I felt it was a good way to end a chapter.

Okay bye.

The Actress and the PrinceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon