•Chapter 39•

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Logan had to leave soon after. I was left alone in the huge gaping room. It no longer felt amazing. I felt shitty. I wanted to go home and lay in my own bed to die. My phone had rung three times. Alissa must've been worried that I hadn't answered, but I couldn't talk to anyone without crying.

I slowly trudged over to the window facing the garden. I could see Damien working on something near the gazebo. A thought crossed my mind. Maybe I could talk to him. I shook my head to myself. I couldn't. He didn't care anyway.

Instead I walked around the palace for hours on end, thinking about what had just happened. Logan and I had just broken up. I had to bite my lip to keep from breaking down in the middle of the hallway.

I couldn't believe it. Logan had been the first person I had ever loved. Now we were done. Over.

I found myself in the garden anyway, although I had objected myself against it. I could see Damien's red hair poking over a couple of bushes. I tried to hide myself, but once he emerged from the bushes, he spotted me. I didn't even attempt to smile. Any movement of my mouth would cause a flood of tears to drown my face.

"Damn," Damien replied. "You look like shit."

"I feel like shit," I spoke, which caused the lump in my throat to almost explode.

"What happened?" Damien asked, although he probably already knew. "Did you and Logan...?"

I nodded.

"Oh," Damien mumbled. "Can I ask you a question?"

I nodded. His face looked contorted, like he was thinking of something to say; some way to word his question.

"What color do you think I should dye my hair next?" He asked. I laughed. He really didn't need to dye his hair anymore. It looked like he was already on the verge of becoming bald.

"I like it red," I giggled. "If you dye it anymore you won't have any hair to dye."

"You're probably right," he shrugged. "But my theory is that once I marry someone it won't really matter if I have hair or not."

"That statement is either really deep or really stupid," I laughed. "Not sure which."

Damien laughed. I kind of liked the idea of hanging out with him. He had made me feel a little less shitty than I had felt after Logan and I had...

"Actually," Damien huffed. "That wasn't my actual question, er, statement that I wanted to say to you."

I raised an eyebrow at him. This time he looked a little flustered. His face was paler than usual. I made a note to myself to ask him why he was so pale if he was always in the sun.

"I...okay," he avoided eye contact for a few minutes. That gave me enough time to brace myself for what Damien was trying to say. Obviously it was important. "You know how I came to your room and I told you I was conflicted?"

I nodded, not sure where Damien was going with this. He had been upset about Sarah. That was why he had been so upset, right?

"I wasn't talking about Sarah," he messed with his hair. "I was talking about...you."

"Me?" I asked. "What about me?"

Why would he be talking about me? Alissa's voice squealed in the back of my mind. What if he was trying to say what Alissa thought was going to happen? There was no way Damien liked me.

"I...dammit," he mumbled. He finally made eye contact with me. "I like you, Jess."

"I like you too-"

"Not as friends," he interrupted. "I...I like like you. And the reason I was conflicted was...because of Logan. And I know this is stupid and really cliche but I felt something when you kissed me. It wasn't just a fake kiss. To me it felt..."

"Real?" I finished his sentence. I didn't know how to react. Damien had just confessed his feelings towards me right after Logan had broken up with me. How was I supposed to react?

He nodded, "Yeah." He shifted uncomfortably. "Look, I know this is a lot to throw on you right now but I just wanted to tell you before you left."

That's right. I'm leaving.

"Right," nodded. I fiddled with my fingers behind my back. "Um, I... I'll be back later. I just...I have to think about everything."

Damien nodded, expecting my reaction. After I turned away, I tried not to think about Damien, but it was hard with all of those damn white roses everywhere.



*tee hee that rhymed*



BUt guys this is almost over wtf.

Okay bye.

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