•Chapter 21•

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The official looking guard just stared at me for a second before laughing in my face. "Why would you think that you were going as well?" He was laughing so hard that it was hard for me not to start laughing. Whenever someone starts to laugh, I start to laugh, and then everyone else starts to laugh because of my snort laugh, and it turns into a never ending laughing fiasco.

"Well, I'm his girlfriend," I crossed my arms and put on my best intimidating look.

The guard immediately stopped laughing, a serious look replacing his retarded seal look.

"What did you just say?" His eyes widened. "The prince has finally found a suitor?"

Now it was my turn for my eyes to widen.

"Say what?" I glanced over at Logan, who seemed I have gotten utterly pale in the last five minutes.

"Listen, dude," Logan gulped. "She's coming with us whether you like it or not."

The guard smirked and nodded. "Hmph," he replied, gesturing if the other guards to pick up my stuff. "Seems like you've forgotten your manners, Prince Logan. That's the first time I have ever heard royalty say the word 'dude'."


We were in a private jet. I had never been on an airplane let alone a private jet. As soon as I say down on the couch I knew it was going to be a comfortable ride. While I was gaping at the amazingness of the aircraft, Logan sat stiffly next to me, his eyes staring into nothing.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Logan? You okay?"

"I haven't seen my parents for years," he looked down at his shoes. "They'll probably - they already probably hate me."

"Logan -"

"Who would want a son back who just decides to run off and never come back?"

"Logan," I said more sternly this time. "If they didn't still love you, they wouldn't have even tried to find you."

Logan looked at me and smiled. "You're good at making people feel better," he kissed me on the forehead.

"You missed," I pecked him on the lips. It was weird actually having a boyfriend who actually liked kissing who actually wasn't a douchebag.


I woke up with my head on Logan's chest to the sound of an Australian dude talking through speakers that sounded like a drive-thru.

"Get ready for landing," I translated. "We are in Alaysia."


It's not much.

But it is something.

And it's kind of a filler chapter.

So yeah.

Okee adios.

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