•Chapter 12•

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My heart fluttered. "What? What about me? I mean, I'm so...average."

His hand brushed mine. On purpose or not? I didn't know. "You're anything but average. You're completely unaverage."

"That's not even a word..." I trailed off after realizing that we were officially holding hands. I looked down at our intertwined fingers, fitting perfectly together. The only time I had ever held someone's hand was my mother's.

"Um, is this okay?" He squeezed my hand. I wasn't used to this. How was this happening?

"Yeah," I whispered.

A pause. "Wow. I'm really awkward."

"I'm more awkward than you," I argued.

"How about this," he laughed silently. "We're both as equally awkward as each other."

I laughed, revealing my embarrassing snort. I covered my mouth, my face getting hot. Logan stopped laughing.

"Why'd you stop?" he sat up, pulling me with him, our hands still locked together. "Your laugh is contagious."

"Yeah, because you're laughing at my laugh," I rubbed my head with my free hand.

"No," he turned to me, making our faces as close as we were at the zoo. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes wandering down to my lips, then back to my eyes. "I think it's cute."

"So you think a Miss Piggy laugh is..." I trailed off due to the fact that he was leaning in slowly. His hand softly grazed my cheek. He lifted his hand up from mine and tucked the stubborn stray hair behind my ear.

"Jess?" He mumbled quietly.

"Yes, Logan?" I whispered, glancing down at his lips then back into his eyes. He was staring so intently at me, like he was trying to figure me out, but he already had.

"May I have your permission," he paused. "To kiss you?"

My heart jumped out of my chest and did the happy dance.

"You may."





And I hope you do too.

Okay bye.

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