•Chapter 6•

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Logan and Oliver sat with Lissa and I at lunch the next day. I could tell that she was about to explode due to her excessive amount of teenager hormones. She had told me that she had a major crush on Oliver. She a had a thing for guys with the name Oliver for some reason.

"So Lissa," Oliver started. He never finished that sentence. Lissa glanced at me and down at her inedible school lunch. Alissa Skye was not exactly the shy type. That was how I knew that she was serious about having a crush on Oliver.

"Do you like animals?" Logan asked me randomly.

"Um, I guess?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why...?"

"Shh," he replied with a smile. "You'll figure it out eventually."


My mother knew that I was unusually happy when I walked in humming "Walking on Sunshine". She stopped me from walking up the stairs and to my room. She knew that something was up. I usually hated that song with a burning passion of a thousand suns.

"Jessalyn Rose," She said quizzically.

"Yes, my dear mother?" I asked in a British accent.

"What's up with you today?"

"I have a date with an Australian cupcake."

She looked confused for a minute. "Wait, so you have a date?" I nodded. "With a boy?" I nodded again. "Well. Have fun."

I darted up the stairs and into my bedroom. He said he would text me when he got home. He hadn't texted me yet. Why was I flipping out about this guy? I had only met him, like, two days ago. What was up with me?

Australian. Dimples.


Right then my phone vibrated. Startled, I fell off my bed and made an awkward animal noise. I had landed on an empty water bottle. Hey, don't judge me. Those hurt to fall on. Especially when the cap is facing towards your body.

I groaned as I got up and sat on my bed again. It was from Logan. I had changed his name on my phone to 'Australian Cupcake'.

Australian Cupcake: I'll pick you up at 8:00am SHARP tomorrow morning. Be ready. XD

Did he seriously have to plan something so early? Tomorrow was a Saturday. Saturday means "don't get up until 12:00 or later". I set an alarm for 7:00am on my phone so I wouldn't forget later that afternoon to set it. I always did that with an alarm for school. I was late. Every morning.

At 9:56 I decided to go to bed in case I woke up like a zombie tomorrow morning. Even after I turned off my lamp I stayed awake staring at the ceiling in which had a poster of Dylan O'Brien on it. One time it had fell on me in the middle if the night and it scared the pee out of me. Literally.

"Goodnight, Stiles," I mumbled before falling asleep.


As you can tell, I watch Teen Wolf.


Okay? Okay.

Yes I've also read The Fault in Our Stars.

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but it is in ourselves."

I may have done that quote wrong but oh well.

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