•Chapter 20•

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I had no idea what to pack to go to some I unknown foreign country just off the coast of Australia. Shorts? T-shirts? Kilts? I gave up after fifteen minutes and threw in most of my wardrobe into my suitcase. I was going to a country. A country in which Kings and Queens still rule. So awesome. I stood up and looked around my room before taking my phone and my Mickey Mouse bag to head out my door.

Logan had put a shirt on by now, but he still looked as attractive as ever as he sat and watched The Little Mermaid. I found that extremely attractive in a guy. I set my things next I the door and plopped on the couch next to him.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Not really," I admitted. "But I am excited."

"I kind of am too, I guess," he smiled. "It's beautiful down there."

"I'll bet it is," I sighed. "I'll be taking pictures until my camera explodes."

He laughed. There was a quiet moment. We didn't talk. All I could hear was Part Of Your World playing in the background.

"Why so quiet?" I Brooke's the silence.

"I'm trying to enjoy it," he closed his eyes. "As soon as we get there, I'll barely have time to think."

"Right," I nodded. "What're your parents like?"

"My dad is pretty chill with me," he said. "But when it comes to buisness, Jesus. Let's just say: I would not want to be a neighboring country leader getting on King Patrick's nerves."

I giggled, "Alright. What about your mom?"

"She's always been..." he sighed. "I don't know the word for it. She's just... She acts like instead of her son I'm just an heir to the throne. She would always yell at me or tell me to do better because I was going to be King one day."

"Is that why you left?"

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Yeah," he sat up and furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you hear that?"

I sat up and trains my ears to any specific noise. There it was. I long, high-pitched beep.

"I heard it that time," I stood up and grasped Logan's hand. "Do you think it's them?"

"Yeah," Logan looked over at me. "You ready?"


"As ready as I'll ever be."

Right after saying that, a bunch of guard-like individuals barged through the door, knocking it down in the process.

"You owe my mom a door," I replied.

"Where is Prince Logan?" The assumed leader spat, ignoring my door comment.

"Present," Logan waved. Suddenly, the guards ceased each of Logan's arms and held them behind his back. I resisted the urge to kick them all in the balls and run.

"What're you doing?!" I screamed.

"He's coming with us," Leader Guy spat again.

"So am I," I handed my arms to two of the guards. "And my luggage is right there by the door, please and thank you."


This chapter is moderately long-ish.

And intense.

Three screams for intensity! Yay!

Okay byee.

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