•Chapter 28•

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When I saw Terrence the next day, I couldn't think of him as anything but a girlfriend stealer. Obviously, I knew that wasn't true - Terrence was awesome - but just to think that Damien had actually had feelings once made me just wonder why Terrence had done it. Had it been simple fun? I knew he hadn't done it on purpose. No one is that heartless. Not even Damien.

I was sitting on a beanbag chair, listening to them playing some Blink-182, when suddenly, they stopped. Damien rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed and frustrated. Oliver just shook his head, probably holding in some colorful words.

"Um, okay," Terrence coughed awkwardly. "Lets try that again. I think Someone must've accidentally played the wrong chord."

I nearly laughed at Damien's expression. He was moving his mouth, silently mocking Terrence. He caught me staring. I looked at Logan, trying to shake off his gaze. And his smirk. God, did I hate that smirk.

They picked up from the measure before they messed up, and they didn't stop until the end. Logan plopped on the beanbag next to me when they took a five-minute break.

"You were watching us like a reality TV show," Logan whispered.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it," I bit my lip, silently cursing myself for having that habit. "It's just...now that I know where the tension is coming from..."

Logan nodded, "You're fine. It's just, you might want to make it a little less obvious."

I shoved his arm, "Oh, shush. I'm good at acting, but I'm not good at lying in real life."

"C'mon, Logan," Oliver beckoned Logan to the stage. Logan quickly pecked my forehead and jumped onto the raised platform, sitting at his spot behind the drum kit.

Instead of watching them, I decided to go on Tweeter, considering I hadn't gone in it since arriving.

@TheActress: That moment when you're trying not to feel the tension but you're failing at it.

@TheActress: Spamming because bored.

@TheActress: I haven't watched an American TV show in three days. Halp me.

"So you're one of those people," Damien's voice mumbled from right next to my ear. I jumped, falling out of the beanbag and onto the hardwood floor. I groaned and sat up, Damien laughing at me.

"Oh, shut it," I snapped, rubbing my injured skull.

"Wow," Damien made a fake pouty face. "You really don't like me, do you?"

"I've met worse people," I shrugged, wincing at the already-forming bruise on the back of my head.

Damien looked a little surprised, but his expression soon changed back to his normal cocky one.

"Oh, really now?" He raised his eyebrows.

"There was this one kid at my school that enjoyed slapping babies," I shivered, thinking of Tim. God, Tim. He haunted my dreams.

"Oh," Damien furrowed his eyebrows. "Wow, that's fucked up."

"Yeah," I agreed. "You're not even close to his level."

Looking around, I realized that everyone else was gone.

"I'm not?" He asked. "I dunno, I'm pretty bad."

I shook my head.

"Yes, I am."





"Yes, are you judging me, Damien?"

"Am I?"

"I think you are."

He looked off into the distance like he was thinking about something.

"Nah," he shook his head.

"Bottom line," I giggled. "You're not even close to slapping babies fucked up."

"Ah, but everyone is fucked up in their own little fucked up ways," Damien pointed out.

"Maybe that's a good thing," I shrugged.

"And why is that?"

"Because that's how you know you're human."

Damien looked at me for a while, his expression unreadable.

"What?" I asked him slowly.

"You're right," he looked forward. "You're right..." He mumbled to himself.

Maybe there's still hope for Damien. Maybe he just needs a little push.





Okay, bye.

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