•Chapter 14•

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Nothing much happened until Friday. That was the night I was supposed to act like a goth. I had dressed the whole nine yards: heavy black eyeliner, all black clothing, black boots, and black lipstick. I had even gotten some really realistic fake peircings. And my hair was going every which way. I had been lucky that my hair was already black. I would've had to dye it. And I wasn't in the mood to murder my hair.

I was already at the club, but I was still in my car. Logan hadn't been at school all week and I knew it must have had something to do with whatever Oliver was freaking out about, because Oliver hadn't been at school either. I leaned my forehead on the top o the steering wheel and sighed. I needed to get my head in the game. Reluctantly, I got out of the car, my game - er, goth face on.

This time I scared my way to the front of the line.

The music sounded louder than usual, probably due to my out of game shape. All I could think about was Logan. Logan. Logan. Where was Logan? I stood in the corner of the club and watched people. There was a group of girls patting another wreck of a girl on the back. There was a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend. There was a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and nearly jumped out of my skin.

It was a legit goth. I opened my mouth to say something, but I didn't know what to say. I noticed what color hair he had. Goths don't have that color of hair.

"Jess," Logan whispered. "It's me."

"I can tell," I said coldly. "Pretty sure real goths don't have that color hair."

Why was I being so mean I him? All I wanted to do was hug him and ask his permission to kiss him.

"Jess, I'm sorry I haven't been at school," he sighed and ruffled his hair. "Really, I am. It's just...complicated."

"You could tell me," my voice softened. "I have time."

He had that same worried expression as before. "I...its not really that important or urgent...yet."

I raised my eyebrow, "Yet?"

"When you absolutely have to know, I'll tell you, okay?"

I nodded, still not satisfied, "Okay."

"So," he smirked. "I scared ya for a minute, didn't I?"

I giggled, but then stopped myself, keeping a straight face, "I'm still being tested, remember? I can't break character."

"Oh, then I'll just go," he kissed me on the forehead quickly then turned and left. I did what any goth would do. I ran into a bathroom stall and squealed. All that night I faked my happy smile into a creepy smile.


I got home around ten. My mother's car still wasn't in the driveway, which meant she was still at work and I was home alone. Great. I unlocked the door and walked in, locking the door behind me. There was a note on the counter in the kitchen when I walked in to get a snack.


I'm going to be very late tonight due to a huge news story we're working on. Might even stay overnight. There's some leftover pizza in the fridge.

Love, mom

I sighed and opened the fridge. Sometimes I hated it that she worked at a news station. Whenever something even moderately cool happened, they'd freak the crap out. And I would be left home alone. After eating and removing my make-up, I went up to my room.

I opened the door to find my window open and Logan sitting on my bed reading.

I jumped about five feet.

"What the hell Logan?!" I gripped my chest and breathed heavily as I walked back into my room, shutting the door behind me.

"Sorry," he got up. "I just didn't know when you'd be home and...yeah."

"You could've texted me," I walked over to my drawer and pulled out some pajamas.

"I wanted to see you again."

Don't melt, Jess. Don't melt.

"I have to change," I went into my bathroom and shut the door. What if he came here to kiss me? Oh, my God. I brushed my hair and put it in a badly made bun. My pajamas on, I opened the door once again and went back into my room.

"Is it bad that I still think you're beautiful when you're wearing pajamas?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Actually, it's bad anyway because I'm not really beautiful."

"No, you are," he came up close to me, so close I could feel his breath on my face. "Why else would I want to kiss you so bad?"

I said nothing.

"That's all I've been thinking about this week," he said. "And maybe I sound like a hormonal teenager, but oh well. I like you, Jess. I like, like like you. And I'd like to kiss you."

"Wow," I swooned. "Uh, yes. Yeah, you can...you can do that. I'd like that, too."

And so we kissed.




So yeah.

It's about to get juicy.

Very very juicy.

*insert devil emoji here*

Okay bye.

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