•Chapter 24•

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I woke up in Heaven. At least that's what the bed felt like. Absolute Heaven. I wanted to keep sleeping, but the light coming in through the window kept me from doing so. Stretching and making weird squealing noises, I sat up to take in my surroundings once again. It took me a moment, but I remembered why I was there. Logan was a prince.

A prince...

I still couldn't wrap my head around it. I had met his mother yesterday. The queen. And she had shown absolutely zero interest in me. The only person other than Logan that had shown one slight bit of kindness was Quincy or Terrence. Damien was still iffy. And of course everyone around the palace gave me a look that said, "Ew, gross, look what America dragged in."

Sluggishly, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and took a closer look at the window that woke me up. There was a crowd of people. With cameras. Lots and lots of cameras. I then realized they were pointed at me. I shut the curtains and looked at myself in the mirror. Perfect. I looked like I had just fought a bear. I groaned and peeked through the curtains again. Their cameras were pointed at the window across from my room.

It was Logan. Shirtless. He wasn't paying any attention to the cameras.

He was too busy playing the drums and stealing my heart even more.

I rushed around my room, shoving an All Time Low shirt on with some leggings. I swung open the door and ran through the maze of hallways. I had no ideas as to where I was going, but I needed to find him. There was no way he could play the drums. He couldn't be that perfect. Right?

I heard the sound of American Idiot. I found the door it was coming from. My hand hovered over the handle. Did I really want to intrude on him?


I opened the door. His facial expression made me want to laugh, but everything else made me want to make out with him. He was wearing an old Blink-182 tee with the sleeves ripped off. The red bandanna wrapped around his head wasn't stopping the sweat dripping down his forehead.

He spotted me, and he smiled, but he didn't stop. He was so into it, I imagined someone could have mistaken him for a professional drummer for some famous band. Nobody would've thought that he was a prince at the moment. He finished. I was sad.

"Hey," he stood up, his drumsticks still in his left hand.

"You play the drums?" I gestured to the drum kit that looked like it had been played and banged on for years.

"Yeah," he looked back at the instrument. "My mother hates it." He looked back at me. "That's why I love it."

"You're really good," I smiled. "Too bad you already have a job."

He smiled sadly, making me feel bad for even saying that. "Yeah, but it's fine," Logan set down the drumsticks on his desk.

I knew he was lying.

"I see you're already dresssed," he changed the subject, and I was thankful for that. "Good, because I'm taking you somewhere."

"Where...?" I watched as he shoved his black converse on. "Your mother allows you to wear normal clothes?"

"Nope," he finished tying his shoe and stood up. "And she got on me for not wearing the 'proper attire' last night as well."

"Then, why do you..." I trailed off, due to my distraction of Logan snaking his arms around my waist. He bore his eyes into mine, causing my heart to melt. His lips curled into a smile, revealing his dimples.

"You're so cute when you're confused," He kissed my forehead.

"I don't like being confused," I shoved him away playfully. "Or being called cute."

"Okay," he nodded. "You look so beautiful when you're confused. Or shall I use another adjective? Elegant, astounding, breathtaking-"

"You're such a dork," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So are you," he replied with a smirk. "But that's why I like you."




OKAy bye

The Actress and the Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن