•Chapter 2•

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"Was he cute?" My friend Alissa asked as we sat in AP Government the next day. I had told her everything that had happened last night. I looked down at my doodle of Logan. I felt like a love struck teenager and maybe a little creepy. I hadn't stopped smiling since last night. My cheeks hurt.

"Like a newborn puppy," I but my lip and added some hearts around his head.

"Was he sweet?" She was as excited as I was. I never got any attention from boys.

"Like a cupcake," I sighed.

Lissa laughed, "Only Jessalyn Myers would compare a sexy Australian dude to a cupcake."

I laughed because it was true. After continuing to talk about last night's events, I zoned out throughout the day. A guy. Talked to me. Me. Jessalyn Rose Myers. And he wasn't the weird and awkward math nerd from Calculus class.

And I wasn't ever going to see him again.

Granted he told me that he hoped to see me again, but he didn't exactly beg for my number. I had totally just dampened my mood.


I turned at the sound of my name, but I regretted it as soon as I did. There was Logan, running towards me. My cover was completely blown. Okay, not completely, but I was going to have to explain why I'm not exactly the shy and quiet type. I was more of the loud and confident type. Well, confident as in I-have-no-self-esteem-so-screw-it.

"Uh, Logan," I smiled because I couldn't help it. "Hi."

"Hi," he was taller than me, which was rare, considering I was 5'10" and every guy at my school was a munchkin. He was staring into my eyes before I awkwardly looked down and back up again.

"Not to be rude, but why are you here?" I questioned. "Are you stalking me?" I smirked.

"Look who's actually talking instead of being shy," he smirked back. "That's a shame. I thought I made you nervous."

I shrugged, "Clubs like that make me nervous. Not you." Lie.

"Ah," he glanced around at the people staring and mumbling at us. "I take it your school doesn't get much excitement."

I nodded, "Yeah... Every time we get a new student people freak out. Especially when that new student is tall, Australian and handsome."

"You think I'm handsome?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"I don't know, do I?" I giggled to throw off the nervousness. "Besides. They're probably wondering why you're talking to me."

We started to walk down the hallway. I had never had this much attention at school. Usually I was just a nobody. Now I was the girl who the new hot guy knew somehow.

"Why?" He said that as if it was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. "You're...uh..."

I stopped walking. Why was he nervous? "I'm what?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Uh, um," he stuttered.

"Who's the nervous one now?" Still me.

He laughed and shook his head, "Shut up."

"Hey, Jess, I..." Lissa looked at Logan and then back at me. "Wow. Nice."

"Logan, there you are," Oliver ran up and then spotted Lissa. "Wow. Nice."

I guess I'm not the only one who has a chance of having an Australian boyfriend.





OKAy I'm done ranting byyyye.

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