•Chapter 13•

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He smiled and leaned in closer as I did as well. Nothing could possibly ruin that moment. Nothing except my mother barging into my room asking where her shoe was.

The door flung open to reveal my mom, holding a single shoe. Logan jumped backwards and fell into the floor. I stood up and walked over to my mom. "Uh, mom," I cleared my throat. "What do you...what do you want?"

Still taken aback by what she probably just thought she saw, she answered. "I was wondering if you had seen my other shoe." She lifted up the shoe in her hands.

"I don't know, maybe Ellie is eating it somewhere in the house," I replied, knowing that our six-pound, four-month-old Yorkie could be the culprit. Because of her teething, we had both gone through about thirty-seven pairs of shoes. Each.

"Okay," mom turned and stopped. "Hello, Logan."

"Hey, Mrs. Myers," Logan said from his spot on the floor.

Mom nodded and walked away, closing the door behind her. I put my face in my hands and sighed. "Well," I plopped on the floor next to Logan.

"Well," he copied. Suddenly his phone rang to the sound of Distant Melody's new single. His cheeks were pink as he answered the phone. "This is Logan..."

I stood up from my bed and walked around my room. There was my project I still had to do for school. There was the list of characters with only three more to go.

"Wait, Oliver...slow down..." Logan stood up and started pacing "What do you mean they - " His eyes met mine. "I'll call you later, okay?" He shoved his phone into his back pocket and walked over to me. "Sorry, I have to go. Oliver's freaking out about something - "

"It's fine," I smiled fakely. He could probably tell.

Do you have to go?

"I'll call you later, kay?" He was out the window before I could say anything.


Well damn.

Sorry about that.

I mean this book isn't going to be fast moving.

Er, well, actually it kind of is.

But it's not that fast moving.

Okay bye.

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