•Chapter 33•

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"Jessalyn Rose Myers escorted by..." The person hesitated, looked at Damien, then continued. "Prince Damien of the Northern Peninsula."

Jeez, Damien, fancy much?

Everyone froze. Even the band stopped playing. There was complete silence, the only sound being my heart hammering against my chest. I glanced at Damien, but he wasn't paying attention to me. He was looking at who I assumed to be his parents. I squeezed his arm and gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back halfheartedly.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, people started talking again, the band starting to play again. I spotted Logan at a table with Oliver and Terrence, laughing in his chef's uniform. I assumed he was supposed to be doing actual work, but the queen didn't seem to mind.

"That was nerve racking," I whispered as Damien and I approached the table. Damien pulled out a chair for me. My face got hot and I sat down.

"If you want to back out it's not too late-" Logan started.

"No," I shook my head. "I'm doing this. People that do things like that should be taught a lesson. It's just fucking ridiculous."

Damien smiled slightly when I cursed.

"So, what does she look like?" I asked.

"Big boobs," Oliver, Damien and Logan replied back in unison. I scanned the room for a young girl with big boobs. I spotted her. She was showing off her big boobs, and her stomach looked sickly skinny. I then realized that she was glaring at me. I smiled and waved. She rolled her eyes and tuned towards the woman she was talking to.

Damien laughed, "Oh, man. She is pissed."

"Good," I smirked. "That's the whole point of this."

"You don't know how pissed she can get," Logan replied. "Once, the old chef we used to have have her something that was just a little bit more toasted than she preferred, so she picked up the plate and threw it in his face."

"Well, then I guess we should go say hi," I stood up, glancing at Damien. "Let's go."

He slowly stood up, taking my arm in his. As we were walking, I leaned over and whispered, "Do whatever it takes to make her snap."

He nodded slightly.

"Hello, Sarah," Damien replied bitterly. She turned to us, a sneer already on her make-up-caked face.

"Damien," she acted suprised. "I thought you had been banished!"

Damien's grip on my arm tightened.

"And I thought you had gotten less bitchey," Damien smiled. "But I guess we were both wrong."

I snorted.

"Who's this slut?" she snapped, obviously giving up the whole fake nice charade.

"Excuse me?" Damien said before I could even react.

Damn, Damien, nice acting.

"You heard me," Sarah crossed her arms and smirked.

"You're the fucking slut," Damien snapped. "Not her."

"Oh, okay," she laughed. "Sure. Anyone who would ever like you...actually, let's face it, nobody will ever like you now. You were banished. Does that ring a bell? I'm surprised they haven't - "

Without thinking about the consequences, only thinking about showing this bitch how it was done...

I slammed my lips into Damien's.

The look in his eyes was complete confusion, but eventually he went along with it. I had never pictured Damien as the kind of person who was a good kisser.

When we broke apart, Damien's eyes lingered on me for a couple seconds before Sarah screamed.

She shoved be backwards, causing me to step on my dress and fall onto the food table. Punch and weird little cake things fell all over me, drenching me in sugar and icing. I saw Logan and Oliver stand up out the corner of my eye. Terrence had been next to the table, which meant he was also covered, but not as bad as I was. Damien helped me up. After brushing myself off, I looked up at Sarah, a fake smile on my face.

"Alright, you slut-faced hoebag," I smiled at Sarah. "You've just made enemies with the wrong person."






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