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"Are you serious" "Calm Y/n" Iman was trying to calm you "THIS MAN IS CRAZY" "Just like you" you had enough of hearing Ashley's mouth (I'm sorry whoever names Ashley) so you punched her in her face. "Y/N WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU" the yelling must've been too loud since you noticed Katsuki, Askari, and Kai running down the stairs. "What hap- Ryu..." "Get your hands off her you animal" You and Iman noticed Katsuki angry at Ryu "Katsu calm down" "...alright but tell me why the hell this extra is here" "Y/n's grandmother invited me here so me and Y/n could get closer" you balled your fist as you heard those words come out of Ryu's dirty mouth. You had heard light crying, you turned around seeing Akari crying "Why are you crying like a crybaby I should be the one crying since your animal of a sister punched me" "shut up or I'll get a knife" Ashley got frightened by how your eyes turned red. You walked closer and closer to Ryu and grabbed his neck squeezing it "CUT...IT...OUT" "Hell to the matha fuckin no" (if I spelled the way of saying mother I'm sorry) "BAKUGO YOUR NOT GONNA STOP MY GRANDCHILD AKA YOUR GIRLFRIEND" your grandmother asked him trying to let go of your grip, "No" "Hmph I guess I was right about bringing Ryu here" what she said made you stop choking Ryu and look at her with hatred "What did you just say" "you heard me" "THIS MAN HAS TRIED TO FORCE HIMSELF ONTO ME AND MY SISTER..AND YOU THINK YOU WERE IN THE RIGHT" you said with your voice cracking "I know you Y/n and this is not you" "YOUR WRONG YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME..YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY BIRTHDAY" "you brat let me go it's September 9th" "WRONG IT'S APRIL 9TH" (first yes this is my birthday and we a aries I'm sorry if you don't do zodiac signs) you let her go dropping to the floor, Katsuki walked over to you hold you close to him "This is too much for both of us Mrs. L/n" you wanted to cry so bad but you just held it in. "Bruh y'all DOIN TOO MUCH" "Shut up Ashley you just sayin that because you pregnant with Ryu's baby" Iman said before running back upstairs with Akari and Kai. "We have to leave I'm so sorry"

Katsuki helped you up and went back upstairs "I'm so sorry that you had to-" you got interrupted by Katsuki giving you a tight hug "Do not apologize at all ok but can I just you are hella sexy wearing my shirt" you giggled and pulled Katsuki out of the hug "why didn't you tell me about Ryu" "I wanted to but I didn't have enough confidence to say anything to you" he was about to kiss you until he got RUDELY interrupted by Iman with Kai and Akari "are y'all ready to go I got a plane ready for us" (I sure did forget about Iman's friend smh). Y'all packed up and went downstairs, you all we're about to head out the door before your grandmother got ahold of your arm "just wait a second ok" you hesitated at first but nodded your head yes along with you siblings, Katsuki didn't want to be in y'all's family moment so he took y'all bags to the lift. "I'll always love you four ok..let me give you something" you all were confused. She came back with a big photo album "what's this" "open it" you opened up the photo album and saw pictures of a woman that looked exactly like was your mom. Katsuki came back to you crying so he assumed you were upset, he put his hand on your shoulder looking at the photo album "Teddy Bear?" "You know I forgot what she looked liked" you kept staring at the picture where you mother, you, and Iman together. You noticed Iman crying a bit "I haven't seen her in so many years" you and Iman were crying while Kai and Akari stood there seeing you mother pregnant with Kai, you knew the person who was in the most pain was Akari since she never gotten to know her.

Time skip back in Japan
You grandmother had let you keep the photo album and two more turns out your grandmother had so many pictures of her, the whole album was filled with memories oh your mother. Nobody really was at the dorms really and you wanted to to look through the photo albums with Katsuki. "Kay come here" he walked over to you covered with flour "were you baking" "yeah I was making a strawberry cake for you" "your a big softie you know" "whatever" he took off the apron he was wearing and sat next to you giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Let's look at the photo albums" "whatever you say". You two were laughing over photos of when when you remember and you got embarrassed when there was a photo of you sleeping with a lot of drool coming out you mouth "EWwWw the drool" "oh hush you act like you don't drool on my arm when we sleep" "Shut up and go get your cake". After eating cake with hot chocolate you both fell asleep, not long after someone came into the door noticing you guys were sleep *ugh their back from America* (y'all know who it is, nasty ass Uraraka nasty ass). She gotten closer and saw the albums on the table, the sneaky bitch she is she took all three of them and put them somewhere.

Next day
You woke up on top of Katsuki. You had finally sat up seeing Midoriya in the kitchen with Todoroki and Iida *something doesn't feel right* you looked around you and saw the photo albums were missing "WHERE THE HELL DID THEY GO" you yelling had woken Katsuki up and grabbed everyone's attention. "Where's what" "THAT PHOTO ALBUMS THEY WERE ON THE TABLE YESTERDAY AND NOW THEIR GONE" you started to cry because that was one only things of your mother you had "Bestie calm down and tell us what's in the albums that are really special" "MY MOTHER MY MOTHERS PICTURES ARE IN THE ALBUMS MINA" you had noticed Uraraka let out a small giggle "WHAT'S SO FUNNY" "your crying over pictures of your mom pathetic" you got up and got close to her "DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEEL TO NOT HAVE A MOTHER OR EVEN A FATHER WHO'S STILL OUT THERE NOT BEING THERE YOU TELLING YOU it's going to be ok I'm here for you DO YOU" "keep the daddy issues to a minimum dear" you slapped really hard "I might got issues but your not gonna remind me every SINGLE FUCKING DAY GOT THAT" you were losing control because you eyes were red and your Nen was getting out of control. Mina, Katsuki, Todoroki, and Iman had to hold you back from her "CALM DOWN Y/N YOU MIGHT KILL" "THAT'S WHAT I PLAN-" you were cut off by hug the Katsuki had gave you. "I need you to calm down I don't care if you yell at her but calm you crazy woman" "hmph you plan marrying this crazy woman" " s-shut up and go to my room I'll take care of this" you grabbed on to his shirt "I don't wanna go" "please...for me" you sighed but nodded your head, you glared at Uraraka then left with Mina.

Katsuki POV

After Y/n left I went straight to Uraraka. "Tell me now What Did You Do" "I don't know what your talking about" "You a liar Uraraka you were person you got here yesterday" "shut up deku" "I got it on Cameras" "SHOW ME" Midoriya had bring out a laptop that was just for school. I looked at the footage saw Uraraka take all three albums and went into the laundry room "You little shit" me and Iman walked into the Landry room, and we searched everywhere.


"You can cry as much as you want bestie we're here right Kyouka" "yep" You we're crying in Mina's shoulder "who would do something that sick" "it's ok best- do you have your own drawer in Bakugo's room" "MINAA" "What I just saw that and plus we should change the subject anyway" "heh thanks Mina and yes I have my own drawer like he has his own in my room" you all started to laugh until the door burst open. "WE FOUND IT THAT STUPID BITCH HAD PUT THEM IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM" Katsuki walked over to you and handed you the albums "Now everyone else get out my room" they obeyed and left so now it was just you and him. "Thank you Katsuki I appreciate it so much" "your you can kick her ass" you smiled at him then put your head in his lap "what are you doing dumb ass" "I want to look at something" "what..WHAT ARE YOU DOING THAT TICKLES" "SHUSH I'm looking at you abs" "you see them so many times" "shut up damn it" you kept poking at them teasing Katsuki. "Teddy bear" "what" "where do you see yourself after high school" "..before I answer where do you see yourself after high school" "hmph still dating you or even engaged" "then that's what I see myself after school too" he lifted you up looked dead in the eye "you serious" "yes you idiot now let me go" "no I will never let you go got that" "whatever" you lied down on his bed trying to relax "let's watch beauty and the beast" "my favorite"

Next time on Keeping up With the Kardashians: "My birthday in month" "Back off dude she's taken" "Thicky Nicki where ya going lookin like that" "Ochaco don't talk to me ever again ribbit" "I'm Christa" "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE"

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