Who's That👀?

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March 27

The period chaos was finally over and you were so happy with that. You had woken up in Mina's room on the floor while her and Sero was in her bed *WHY am I on the floor and why the hell-OH MY GOD* you thought to yourself seeing clothes on the floor,thankfully your clothes were still on your body. You walked out her room looking like you just witnessed your parents in the middle of it "Y/n?" You snapped back quick when you saw Izuku all concerned

"H-h-hey Izuku how are you this lovely Saturday Morning" you said with a squeaky voice "Morning..girl it's 2:00 PM" Izuku said looking even more concerned for you "2:00!" You yelled "yes it's 2:00 Y/n are you ok" Izuku asked "no I'm not ok um where's Katsuki" you asked "in your room" Izuku pointed "thank you" you slammed your door behind you "Are you ok it looks like you saw a ghost" Katsuki said looking up from his phone "I'm not ok ok I just woke up seeing clothes on the floor in Mina's room" you said falling to the floor, Katsuki started to laugh but stopped when you looked back up at him "Shut up" you said glaring at him. "Remember when I said I'll make it up to you" Katsuki asked "yea.." "get dressed ok" Katsuki said kissing you on the cheek.

You were having trouble what to wear since you have a lor of clothes and you didn't know what to pick, you heard your door open and it was Eijro and Iman coming in "Kiri and Iman what are you doing" you asked all confused "We're helping you pick your clothes" Iman said turning on your TV "Yea, so what do we got here" Eijro asked looking on your bed "a mess, I can't figure out wha- Iman what you" "TAKE IT TAKE IT THROW MY HEAD WHEN I SHAKE IT" Iman recited the song Jelly "Oh my god"

Time skip

Finally you got ready

You can think of something else if ya don't like it

"you are so cute in that" Iman said taking pictures of you "thanks now out my way I need to get through" you said sliding Iman out the way. You walked out seeing Katsuki standing in front of the door "you look nice" Katsuki said "thank you now stop eyeing me and let's go" you said walking out your room "Let's go"

You guys got to a cafe that looked really cool to you "Ooo a cafe" you said with excitement "yes teddy bear a cafe". You guys got your table and everything just now y'all had to order "Oo Katsuki can we share some ice cream" you asked, Katsuki smiled and nodded. You and Katsuki were talking when yo had felt someone staring at you, you turned your head seeing some blonde girl glaring at you "..hello" to you said with a stank look on your face, she walked up to you and Katsuki looking all pissed "so we date hood rats now" she said looking at Katsuki "Camie shut up" Katsuki said getting irritated "oh come in poo poo bear just ditch her you have your own family to take of" you looked at Katsuki with disbelief "THAT'S NOT TRUE" Katsuki yelled at Camie.

"Ok ok ok shut up both of you" you said getting annoyed "shut up I don't need whores talking to my poo poo bear" Camie said pulling out of the seat, you picked up a fork and put it right to her chest "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Camie yelled "touch me again and I'll kill you got it" you said pressing the fork against her chest "ALRIGHT now let me goo" Camie whined "Teddy Bear your eyes" you ignored Katsuki and kept staring a Camie. You calmed down and faced Katsuki "You need to get this girl drama fixed right FUCKING NOW Katsuki I swear" Katsuki looked at you like you just broke his heart "And you I don't know who the fuck your calling a whore because I know it's not me" you got your things and started go head out the door.

When you stepped outside you saw Ryu which made your mood even worse "Heyyy beautiful how ya-OW WHY THE FUCK DID YIU JUST SLAP ME" "BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT" you said walking away.time skip back the dorms, you got back to the dorms seeing Uraraka stank ass in the kitchen. "Welll look who's back early" Uraraka leave me alone" you said sitting down on the couch "But I want to talk to you" Uraraka said walking over to you "Girl get away from me you stink" you said moving over "shut up but anyway" she said putting her hand on your shoulder "How was your date I would really like to know" Uraraka said with her hot breathe, you reached in your pocket getting your pocket knife because you didn't have time for the bullshit today "Leave me the fuck alone Urabitch" you said getting even more annoyed.

"I don't want- WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Uraraka yelled "I said to leave me alone didn't I and you didn't so if I were you now you should run away before I get a grip of your head" you said glaring at her, she did what you suggested amd ran away. You went on your phone for a bit until you heard the door open "Teddy Bear" Katsuki called out but you ignored him "Teddy Bear" Katsuki said again and again you ignored him. "Y/n" you finally turned around seeing Katsuki look upset "What do you want" you asked looking pissed off "I want to say sorry" Katsuki said walking closer to you "you ass no you don't" you said getting up "I do you asshole" Katsuki said back "your a bigger asshole than me" you said "your the biggest asshole ever" Katsuki said

Mina and Sero came downstairs seeing you two going back and forth about who was the bigger asshole "What are they doing" Mina whispered to Sero "I don't know but we finna find out" Sero said taking Mina's hand and walking over to you two "Yo guys um what whaat y'all doing" Sero asked "This asshole is being difficult" Katsuki said glaring at you "well the bigger asshole is being even more difficult" you said, you two kept going back and forth "what are we gonna do with them" Mina asked Sero "mmm Oh I got it" Sero grabbed you both and took you upstairs.

"Tape dispenser where to taking us" Katsuki said all grouchy "to one of the spare rooms here" Sero responded. (Pretend they got keys in the dorms)Sero pushed you two into he room and locked the door with the key "Y'ALL AIN'T COMING OUT UNTIL MORNING GOT IT" Sero yelled running off "Alright asshole we have to stay here" Katsuki said "wow thanks I didn't hear him" you said wal to the bed "why are you even acting like this" Katsuki asked walking over to you "If you were a girl you would get upset if some random girl says that your boyfriend has a whole family then get called a whore and pulled you out a chair Katsuki" you said "I mean yeah, but did you do anything else before I got here" Katsuki asked "eh might've almost stabbed Uraraka's funky ass" you said looking all proud, Katsuki sighed and got closer to you "to let you know she's lying I've never had sex with her at all ok" Katsuki said holding your face "mmmhmm but now you have to make it up to me double" "Deal" Katsuki said pulling you in for a kiss.

I really didn't know what to write ok 💀 but I hope y'all like this

Next time on Keeping up With the Kardashians: "class spring break is coming up ok but that doesn't mean you get to lounge around all day" "You want me to what" "YOU BASTARD I HATE YOUR GUTS" "your my girlfriend got it I chose you, you crazy woman"

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