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Time skip- end of the second term

You were in class waiting to get your hero license with everyone else, everyone looked either tired or excited since some of them decided to party tge night before.

"Y/n,what're you thinking about" you looked up seeing Mina at your desk "oh, nothing really" she hummed and pulled a chair up to you "hey Y/n" you looked up at her again "we're in our last days here" Mina said as she drew circles on your desk. You never thought about that, having leave UA

"Oh...yeah, never came to mind" you said looking down once more "yeah, sucks don't it- oooo it's tiem to get our licenses" you laughed and shook your head as Mina got excited when All Might and your mother came into the classroom

"Alright Lady Echo is going to pass out your licenses, congratulations but remember we have this next week left" All Might said as your mother passed out the licenses "how come you names yourself Lady Echo" Iman asked

"Because when I make alert screams as an animal is really loud and echos, Iman I thought I told you this before" Iman shook his head "mmhm well here"

After she was done passing them out she had to all practice on your quirks

"Soo like why are we out here" you asked as you experimented with your quirk "I heard their planning a prom, Oooo I'm excited" Mina said, you sighed and rolled your eyes, as you experimented you finally figured out how to use to animal abilities at once, you used a dog's nose and used a birds wings "oh my gosh, whoever smells this bad right now needs to take a shower asap" you said sniffing the air

"Bruh I sprayed some perfume on, I can't smell that bad" you and Mina gagged at Uraraka's statement "young lady I know you did not just say that- go take a damn shower and I smell you and you still stink then we're gonna have serious problems" your mother said, she had that mad mother tone which had Uraraka run away

"Anyway, this Saturday the staff planned a lil prom for the third years, so tomorrow no classes for you all since y'all need to find dresses and what not" Mina squealed as your mother walked away and started jumping up and down "KYOKA, MOMO GET OVER HERE" she yelled squeezing your hands

Once they came over Mina clapped her hands "so what's to style, ball gown or mermaid types" she asked "mermaid, we need to get better dresses because that dance from our first year wasn't it" the four of you agreed and got to looking "what are y'all doing" Katsuki asked as him, Hanta, and Denki came over "looking for dresses and matching suits"

"Really. Are y'all really doing this" Denki asked "hell yea! Oo I just found a boutique nearby let's go"


You had to drag Katsuki into the store so he could help you "Y/n do I honestly have to be here" he asked "yes, I found the perfect set for us" he groaned and followed you all over the store until you found the dress and suit you liked "this is nice I guess" you turned around to look at Katsuki and sighed "cheer up, prom is a once of a lifetime experience" you said

"This means a lot to you females, I don't really csre about this stuff" you sighed and gave him the set "well then you won't have a problem paying for this now would you" you said giving him a smirk, he stared at you and sighed "whatever let's go"

After more shopping Katsuki and you went back to the dorms where everyone was all excited and making a lot of noise "what's going on" you asked as you closed the door "we got our dresses and we're helping set up the gym, prom's Saturday" you sighed and went to your room.

"Where's Elijah Y/n" you shrugged and shifted into a dog "what are you doing" he asked "I'm going to sniff him out" Katsuki sighed and picked you up "why can't we just call him" he asked "first put me down, my lil dog nipples are showing, and I like to do this more" you said as you shifted back making Katsuki fall "you could've warned me first, you're fucking heavy" you laughed and gave him a kiss 

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