Girl Time

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You and Mina were watching Katsuki and Sero play Call of Duty which you were bored out of your mind "Sukii I'm hungry" you whined "just wait dumb ass we're almost done, SHITTY HAIR WHERE'D YOU GO" you got up and slapped Katsuki's neck real hard "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR" he said "I SAID I'M HUNGRY NOW LET'S GO" you yelled, Katsuki mumbled something that you wanted to hear "WHAT YIU SAY SPEAK UP" "NOTHING NOTHING"

"Aye let me come too Bestie" Mina said getting her stuff "you was coming automatically". You all got downstairs seeing a cooking battle that was finna be chaos "HA AOYAMA THINKS YOUR SPAGHETTI IS NASTY" Kyoka yelled "SHUT UP KYOKA AT LEAST MY BREAD WAS BETTER THAN YOURS" Denki yelled back "but wasn't your bad too so both of y'all shouldn't say anything I'm the only one who has gotten 10/10 every round" they both turned to Shinso, you ignored them and walked out the door with Katsuki.

You all gotten in the car and drove off "what you wanna eat dumb ass" Katsuki asked "I don't know just drive and see what looks good" you responded, after some time Katsuki just went to a ramen place. You all went inside and got in a booth, you were looking at the menu when you gotten a text from Tyree

Beefy 🥶

Beefy: yo Dickhead wyd

Nun bout to eat hbu:Bad bitch🙄✌🏽

Beefy🥶:you always eatin, your prego🤨


Beefy🥶: Alright alright calm down

Hold on real quick:bad bitch🙄✌🏽


"who you textin" you turned your head seeing Katsuki look at you like you sus "noooooobodyyyyyy" "mmhm" you were about to go back on your phone till you saw someone walk inside that looked familiar "TYREEEE" you jumped up "Who" "my best friend from kindergarten" you ran up to him and gave him a hug "it's nice to see yo ass too dummy" he said hugging you back, you took him to everyone else to meet him only Sero the only one who did have a stank face "um well this my bestie Mina, Mina this is Tyree, that's her boyfriend Sero right there, and the pomeranian right there is Katsuki my boyfriend" Sero gave Tyree a handshake while Mina and Katsuki have the famous word "tch" "yo people's don't look friendly" Tyree whispered "they'll be alright".

You sat back down along with Tyree who was a bit nervous "so TyReE how long you been knew Y/n" Mina asked "uhh since we was like five" you noticed she had a little attitude and you started to laugh a bit "what's so funny Y/n" "Mina babes you jealous" you asked trying not to choke on a noodle "I- who said dat Who said datt" she got up and went to the bathroom "come with me dumb ass" Katsuki said taking your hand "um alright"

He took you outside and just stood there "aww you jelly too" you said playfully punching Katsuki in the arm "I don't like him" he he mumbled "suki you don't have to talk to him kay I just haven't seen him in years so just hold up till we Leave alright" he nodded and kissed you. You both came back inside seeing Tyree and Mina talking it up "woah didn't expect this" you said sitting back down "Tyree was telling me how he's gonna be a tattoo artist one day" Mina said "yeah I already got the money so when get out of high school get my license and pay off everything I'll be set" Tyree said getting up form the table "it was nice meeting y'all and I'll pay for everything kay, I'll text you later dummy" you nodded and waved goodbye "are you idiot's done yet I'm ready to leave" Katsuki said all grouchy "nigga if you don't wait I barely even ate plus I'ma still be hungry this ain't nothin" he scoffed and flipped his head the opposite direction from you.

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