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March 15th

"You've been up for awhile Bakugo don't you think you should take a break" Katsuki's been up looking at multiple files and security footage all night night and the others were concerned "no breaks just get me some water" "I-um ok" Sero went along and got Katsuki some water. "Kirishima do you think this adds up.... Kirishima?" He turned his head seeing Kirishima sleeping with paper surround him "Mina come get him" Mina nodded nodded picked up Eijro and walked away *I'm going to find all of you especially you Teddy Bear*


"WE'RE GOING TO DIEEEE" Mineta has been screaming and crying for an while hour and it was pissing you off "DAMN IT MINETA SHUT UP" "please do *ribbit*" "B-b-but I don't wanna see the light" "your being dramatic shut it" you crawled away from Mineta's bullshit and into a corner "hey Izuku do you think Y/n's ok" "I don't know but she's trembling" Tsu crawled over to you and patted your back "what's wrong Y/n" ".. it's nothing" "I feel like your lying so please tell me" " know my ex Ryu right..well over the summer I lived with him at his summer home which was nice at first but later in time things started going down hill" "what do you mean" Aoyama and Izuku had joined in y'all conversation looking kinda creepy as always "well he would always have girls around him when I'm like in a whole other room..then he would get mad at me for no reason and-" you showed them marks around your arms and a bit on your stomach "He abused you!" "Yes now shut up most of them are healing" "can I ask why you trembling" "I was about to get to that part..I got sexually harassed by his father who locked me in a damn basement with no windows" "you poor thing" "yea I mean I saw my mom die right in front of me so that's that I'm starving" they looked at you wondering if you were ok. "I got a brownie if you want it Y/n" "thanks Sato"

Time skip next day at 5:00 pm March 16th

"It's so hot I can't breathe" "well drink some water Mineta" "he drunk it all Sato" "oh" y'all have been in that dark room for a whole day and Mineta has drunk all the water and ate most of the food "y'all remember  we still have our phones" "we do?" "yeah their in that bag" Izuku crawled over the the duffel bag by Mineta opening it surprisingly there was only one phone which was yours "Only Y/n's phone is in here" "that's fine just give it to me" Izuku gave you the phone and you decided text Katsuki

Future Husband💍😩


Katsuk: Teddy bear?

Yes it is I:you

Katsuki:how are you texting me rn

My phone dummy:You

Katsuki: ok but where are you

Idk but I know we're in a building but the room
we're in it's so dark and I can't handle at all:you

Katsuki:I figured...we're coming so don't worry

Didn't plan on it but it would be nice if y'all got some water:you

"He said he's coming" "that's great..hey Y/n" "yeah what is it Izuku" "are you ok you haven't been asleep at all" "I'm fine I promise but if it makes you feel better I'll try to sleep" you gave Izuku a small smile then rested your head on Tsu's shoulder. It's been three hours and you had finally fell asleep a bit but then you heard a muffled voice "BAKUGO THE BUILDING" "is that Shoto" "I think so" "I FOUND IT NOW SHUT UP" "IT'S THEM..Y/N" "I'm FINE" they knew that was a lie since they noticed you were having a panic attack "Guys I think Bakugo is coming" Sato moved Aoyama you was sleeping over then *BOOM* (like my sound effects ik you do) Katsuki looked so pissed off then turned to you and Tsu who was trying to comfort you "Teddy bear?" "She's having a panic attack" Katsuki rushed over shoving Tsu out the way a bit and held up your face "how long have you been crying" "not long" "alright SHOTO I FOUND THEM" not even a minute later Shoto slid in like it was nothing "Shotoooo" "Izukuuuu" "shut up your annoying let's go" Katsuki picked you up and helped the others leave the building that was finna collapse in any minute "Katsuki" "what is it Teddy bear" "you smell the Carmel" "tch I was baking" "can I eat your creation" "sure" Katsuki smiled at your response since you never said creation. You all got back to the dorms which was quiet as ever and that was a good thing "Teddy bear come with me" " up you made donuts and I want some" "then let's take them upstairs" you rolled your eyes and took the plate apothem proceeded to go upstairs. "What is it Kat-" you didn't finish your sentence because gave you a very intense kiss,you pulled away looking at Katsuki eye to eye "what was that for" "I haven't kissed you for two whole days what do you expect" "your so needy" "whatever but serious talk now"  he took you to his bed and put your head on his shoulder "I know your little secret" "was it the bruises that gave it away" "no...your files said some information about it..apparently you went to report  it to the police" "mmhm" "you have so much built up trauma and that's not healthy" "yea yea I know but honestly I'm fine" "don't lie to me Y/n" "alright...I'm not ok at all I'm scared I might lose people I care for again and being in that room for so long gave me flashbacks but saying my mother die right in front of me like it was nothing took the most out of me" you put your head on Katsuki's stomach crying a bit "Teddy bear" "hm" "wanna sleep here" "..I wanna have sex" "excuse me" "I start my period tomorrow and we ain't finna have rainbow kisses up in here so I want to have sex now" Katsuki gave you a smirk and started kissing you...let's just say you had a very nice night

HA y'all thought I was givin y'all smut huh well nope I'm not

Next time on Keeping up With The Kardashians: "great job everyone for the hard work especially Bakugo" "please shut up I'm not in the mood" "I'm all about that base no trouble" "your cute"

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