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"HUH? Why do I have to babysit, you the one who offered" Iman said to you "please, Crystal needs a break from them" Iman sighed and looked at Jayda and Jayden "fuck no, I got things to do Y/n..ask your boyfriend" you sucked your teeth and walked inside the dorm building

"Woahh Y/n, when did you pop them kids out" Denki laughed as you walked inside "goodnight, they're my siblings now where's Katsuki" Denki pointed to the kitchen, you walked over to Katsuki seeing he had on headphones and cutting up some green unions. You tapped his shoulder which got his attention and stopped everything "Kat!" Jayda yelled reaching her arms out to him "hey Jayda, hold up okay" you smiled giving Katsuki a kiss on the cheek "what're you making" Katsuki sighed and finished cutting up the unions "Honestly don't know, just making something out of nothing" you hummed and sat down

"KAT" Jayda yelled, Katsuki looked up at her and smiled "alright alright" Katsuki picked her up which made her smile and clap her hands "Oo Imagine we have twins" you shit a glare at him "fuck no, that's too much" you said looking down at Jayden "but both sides of your family are common with having twins" you sighed "yet Kai and Akari aren't twins" Katsuki chuckled and shook his head

"Y/n" you looked over at Jayden who was in their play pen "hungryy" he whined "okay calm down" you moved your laptop off your lap and picked him up then put him down so he could walk

"Katsuki can you get some apple sauce" he nodded and opened the frigerator to find one, you noticed Jayda and Jayden getting more whiny so you assumed it was time for their nap, you checked your phone seeing it was three so it was definitely time for a nap "babe I need you to help me put them down for a nap" Katsuki nodded handing you the apple suace. Once Jayden was done you and Katsuki took them to your room "Mine!" Jayda snapped at Jayden about a stuffed bunny "Jayda that's not your yours give it back" she whined and started fussing with you then Jayden started crying.

Katsuki picked him up rocked with him "shhhh" you looked over and smiled then stopped when Jayda hit you "we do not hit people Jayda" she laughed at you and and hugged the bunny tight "Jayden's asleep" you nodded and continued watching Jauda "you're spoiled" she laughed then yawned slowly shutting her eyes. Yiu and Katsuki sighed and sat on your bean bag chair "I want my own" you laughed "look at youuu" Katuski scoffed and smirked "Jayda made me tired" you yawned and smiled "take a nao then Kat, I'm tired too" after that you fell asleep abs so did Katsuki


You and Katsuki woke up to the sound of both Jayda and Jayden crying really loud "BRO GET THEM TO SHUT UP" Denki yelled from the next room, you sighed and walked over to them then checked your phone. Crystal told you that after their nap they had to get a warm bottle of milk and strawberries "Babe go get some strawberries" he nodded and quickly left the room "okay stop crying we're getting your strawberries and milk" they ignored you and just kept crying

Katsuki came bsck quickly and you gave him the bottles "warm them up" he nodded and warmed his hands up then gave them back after he was done "here and here" once you gave them the strawberries and milk they stopped crying but not even a minute Jayda smashed one on Jayden which made him cry again "JAYDA" you picked her up and separated the two of them "y'all need help" you heard Iman say while opening your door "take them for the rest of the day how bout that" he sighed and nodded "MAN MAN" Jayden shouted with his arms out. Iman took them bith with their bags and went to his room

"Fuck...they're gremlins" Katsuki said laying down next to you "I know, I know damn well mine won't be like that" you said rolling onto Katsuki's chest "you mean ours" you laughed knowing he had a smirk on his face


"Try some shit and your ass is grass" you said moving Katsuki's hands "excuse me miss, your sitting on least let my gand hold your waist" you sighed and let him go as your phone rang

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