Shark week pt 2

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"long time no see" you said your father "It is hasn't it anyway how's my daughter doing" your father asked you walking inside your room"not so great" you went over to your bed and started to cuddle with your Teddy bear "why's that" he asked coming to sit next you "Mother Nature wanted to be an asshole this morning and mess up my sheets" you said pointing to your bed.

"wow" "yeah and then yesterday I got kinda pissed off by one of the students but who cares me and my boyfriend ganged up on her" you said covering your face with the teddy bear "can I kill her" he asked with a smirk on his face "father" you gave him a glare signaling him to not say another word "alright alright but" "what" "what's his name" you father asked with a serious look on his face "who my boyfriend... Katsuki Bakugo" you said trying not to smile "Katsuki aye"

With Katsuki

Katsuki was having a rough day today, He couldn't focus on school because he was worried about you. "Heyy Bakubro" Eijro said coming over with a big smile on his face "what do you want shitty hair" Katsuki said with a cold tone "relax dude I just wanted to talk to you" Eijro said pulling out a chair "about" Katsuki said turning his head "I wanted to do a karaoke night with me,Christa,you,Y/n,Denki, Kyoka,Mina,And Sero" Kirishima said getting a bit excited "mm that does sound fun we could invite Iman too" Katsuki said "Awesome-um Uraraka?"

Kirishima was confused that Uraraka was just standing in front of Katsuki, "Bakugo can you look at me" Uraraka asked with a phony smile "what do you-" Katsuki was caught of by Uraraka who forced her lips on him. Katsuki pulled away from her and was ready to slap the fuck out if her "WHAT THE HELL" Katsuki yelled "what" "I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND" Katsuki yelled at her again trying so hard not to hit her "So I bet she's probably in her room with
some other guy...I bet it's Denki" Uraraka said rolling her eyes "Now you went to far" said Kyoka Who's standing right behind her "Come on Bakugo" Kyoka said walking out the door, Katsuki nodded and followed her.

Back to you

You and your dad were talking most of the whole day, turns out you two have things in common "so you're telling me that you would just be in bed all day" you asked your father "yep in my bed with my TV, food, And water I'm good" he responded with a sly look on his face "samee" you were about to say something else but before you could Katsuki barged in your room looking pissed "Who is that" Katsuki said standing at the door way "I'm Y/n's father you must be Katsuki" your father walked up to Katsuki holding his hand out "Uh yeah it's nice to meet you" they shook hands and just looked at each other for a bit "Y/n let me talk to Katsuki alone for a bit" "sure good luck Kat" you said patting him on his shoulder before walking out.You saw Mina walking by and you signaled her to come over "what is it" she asked "Katsuki's talking to my dad let's listen"

"So what's you intentions with my daughter" Your father asked Katsuki "well sir I want to have fun with your daughter band make her happy" Katsuki said trying not to break character "do you intend to marry her" he asked holding out a knife he got from out of his pocket "Yes I do" Katsuki responded keeping eye contact with him "Oh really and why do you want to marry my daughter" this question wasn't hard at all for Katsuki since he practiced for this day to come when y'all first got together "she's a amazing young woman who's been by me these pa0st months and I want her to be with me till the day I die but to be honest sir..she has a fat ass" Katsuki said with a smirk ".. that's the same reason I married her mother...I like you already" Katsuki sighed of relief at what your father said.

"You can stop snooping now Y/n" you opened the door just standing there like a tree "is she ok" your father asked "I'm thinking" you responded just standing. still "I got me a sugar daddy y'all" Iman said coming from nowhere "excuse me son" your father said with a confused looked "Oh nothing" Iman said giving off a angelic smile "mmhm well I'll be going now" your father said leaving from your balcony. "You have a sugar daddy?" You asked "yep I'm finna be flexing my outfits" you laughed at your brother for how he was acting.

"Alright guys time for Karaoke" Eijro said all exited "tell me again why we're in Raccoon eyes room" Katsuki asked with an attitude "I have the karaoke machine boom boom boy" Mina snapped a back "shut up both of you" you said to both of them "Ok I'ma go" Denki said getting up "oh fuck" you punch Katsuki in the arm. "I'm all about that base no trouble" Denki his favorite song of course hitting those notes like crazy when Katsuki had got you attention "what is it Katsuki" "I need to talk to you" you looked at Katsuki who had a very serious face on him "alright let's go...We'll be back Mina" you told Mina, she didn't respond at all since she was to busy smoking with Sero.

You and Katsuki went into the hallway to talk "so what is it Katsuki" you asked "well..Uraraka kissed me" you were shocked by what Katsuki had just said "Excuse Me" "Teddy bear calm down your eyes are red" Kastsuki said stepping back "She KISSED You" "I'm sorry" your took a breath then looked at Katsuki "it's fine but wash your mouth before you kiss me again now" You said going back into Mina's room "KYOKA" you whisper shouted "WHAT" she responded, you signaled her to come over "come on we need to go somewhere" she nodded and followed you.

You got to Uraraka's room with Kyoka and was about to open the door "wait what are we doing" Kyoka asked "the walking STD kissed my boyfriend and we finna jump her" you responded busting in Uraraka's door. "What the hell why you come in here" Uraraka asked "not you spraying perfume in here like crazy but someone told me you kissed Katsuki" you said getting ready to throw a punch "I did what about hoe" you walked up to her and slapped her to the floor "OW WHAT THE-" you and Kyoka cut her off by punch the living shit out if her, somehow you were dragging her hair still punching her "LET ME GO" Uraraka yelled "NO" you pulled her hair harder making her let out a scream. Tokoyami and Tsu ran to her room seeing you and Kyoka fighting her "go get Bakugo and Denki" Tsu said, Tokoyami nodded and ran do Denki's room.

"THAT HURTS KET GO" Uraraka yelled at Kyoka "Shut up ass up or I'll kick" you said looking down on Uraraka "YOU RACHET BITCH SHUT UP" with out warning you kicked her in her vaginal area with 80% of gorilla strength making her cry a bit. The rest of the class including the bakusquad came to Uraraka's room "woah she's bleeding from her head" said Sero, Katsuki and Denki gotten ahold of you and Kyoka "LET ME GO" you yelled at Katsuki "CALM DOWN WOMAN" Katsuki said taking you to your room.

Katsuki carried you back you to your room finally after fighting you off to get there. "I love it when you are fighting but babe you gotta know when you get too violent" Katsuki said catcher his breathe "there's no such thing as too violent to me" you said, Katsuki walked over to you and lifted your chin "what is it Katsuki" "you look so kissable right now" you looked him in the eyes for a bit before saying something else "I do~?" You asked "you do~" Katsuki leaned in for a kiss "god I can't wait until your off your period" you giggled and pulled him back in for another kiss.  You two fell asleep watching Sleeping Beauty.

Next time on Keeping up With the Kardashians: "Remember when I said I'll make it up to you" "you are so cute in that" "touch me again and I'll kill you got it" "TAKE IT TAKE IT THROW MY HEAD WHEN I SHAKE IT

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